King River Copper continues to deliver high-grade gold from Mt Remarkable

King River Copper identifies visible gold (pictured above) in its first diamond hole from the Trudi prospect at Mt Remarkable.
King River Copper (ASX: KRC) reported a further round of exploration results from its Mt Remarkable project in Western Australia, with its previous high-grade gold exploration continuing as expected.
The junior gold and copper explorer said that its reverse circulation program has returned more high-grade gold results from the Trudi Vein prospect with a standout result of 2m at 16.78 grams per tonne gold, including 1m at 31.80g/t gold.
Additionally, visible gold could be seen in the first diamond hole at Trudi.
King River’s results follow on from its previous visible gold intersection of 4m at 113.29g/t gold, including 1m at 346g/t gold.
In 2017, King River completed two reverse circulation drill programs at Mt Remarkable, totalling 2,130m with results confirming historical high-grade drill intersects with one scissor hole returning 11m at 27.9g/t gold.
Furthermore, King River said that gold mineralisation at Trudi “is still open to the east and at depth” with assays pending for the deeper holes on the same section.
King River says that results from its most recent reverse circulation holes are “very encouraging” and demonstrate that high-grade mineralisation can be present even where the interpretation of broad spaced historic drilling has implied lower grade mineralisation.
The explorer has reported that it intends to conduct close-spaced testing of other areas on the Trudi Vein and is confident they could reveal additional new high-grade gold shoots.
What’s next at Mt Remarkable?
The next focus in the coming month will be zones along the Trudi Vein where the Grahame Vein is modelled to be in proximity, as this is interpreted to be the control on bonanza type grades recorded to-date.
Diamond drilling has also begun and will continue over the next month.
Meanwhile, assays are still pending for 20 reverse circulation holes from the Trudi grid, 11 holes on the Northern Gemma Vein, as well as five holes carried out elsewhere around the Mt Remarkable project.
Results from the first diamond drill hole are also keenly anticipated and could further add to the good cheer provided by exploration so far.
According to King River, discovering high-grade epithermal gold mineralisation at such shallow depths is a positive sign so early in its exploration program and “greatly enhances” the prospectivity of the numerous other under-explored vein systems that King River has mapped nearby Mt Remarkable.
Today’s news ensured King River shares reached a peak of A$0.10 per share and closed the day 4% higher at A$0.097.