Barton Gold receives environmental go-ahead for Tunkillia gold drilling

Barton Gold is now fully permitted to start phase one drilling at its second South Australian gold project.
Barton Gold (ASX: BGD) has been given the green light for its Exploration Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (E-PEPR) for upcoming drilling programs at its Tunkillia gold project in South Australia.
The approval is provided by the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining and is a requirement under the state’s mining act prior to the commencement of any exploration activities.
Barton’s approved E-PEPR provides for an open or ongoing approval period where it will submit notifications prior to each new program of works. This means a single E-PEPR can cover multiple drilling programs without the need for subsequent drilling applications nor additional costs.
Barton managing director Alexander Scanlon said this secured E-PEPR now makes the company fully permitted to commence phase one drilling at Tunkillia.
“We have prepared a robust program for our drilling activities, which will also see us systematically rehabilitating old drill holes left in a poor state by historical owners,” he added.
Tunkillia gold project
Barton has firmed up a resource estimate for Tunkillia totalling 26.1 million tonnes at 1.15 grams per tonne gold for 965,000 ounces.
The project comprises three exploration licences and spans 1,362sq km in an underexplored area of SA’s Gawler Craton.
Tunkillia’s host structure is believed to extend 7km north and 7km south.
Phase two drilling completed at Tarcoola
The upcoming Tunkillia drilling campaign follows the recent completion of Barton’s phase two drilling program at its other gold project, Tarcoola.
Here, drilling comprised 42 holes for a total 4,944m across the Perseverance North, Lady Racin’, Perseverance West and Eclipse prospects.
Assay results are expected in the coming weeks.
Mr Scanlon said the data will be processed and analysed in conjunction with other new and historical data sets.
Barton Gold has been listed on the ASX for less than two months following an oversubscribed $15 million initial public offering.