Zinc of Ireland receives high-grade zinc intercepts at McGregor

European base metals explorer Zinc of Ireland (ASX: ZMI) has received assay results from recently completed diamond drill hole Z_4069_003, which confirm a spectacular intersection of high-grade zinc mineralisation at the Base of Reef target at the McGregor prospect.
Part of its 100%-owned Kildare MVT Zinc Project in Ireland (Figure 1).
Key Highlights:
Assays confirm spectacular high-grade zinc mineralisation at the McGregor prospect in Z_4069_003 including:
- 23.25m @ 12.7% Zn+0.8% Pb from 396.53m, including:
- 7.69m @ 17.2% Zn+1.0% Pb from 401.33m.
- Additional zones of mineralisation include:
- 5.25m @ 10.2% Zn+2.5% Pb from 240.95m;
- 2.06m @ 8.1% Zn+0.4% Pb from 340.30m;
- 2.61m @ 7.5% Zn+0.2% Pb from 351.94m;
- 1.98m @ 6.5% Zn+0.4% Pb from 382.79m, and;
- 8.44m @ 9.2% Zn+0.5% Pb from 435.96m.
- These impressive results are ~45m from the nearest drill hole and significantly extend the Base of Reef mineralisation at McGregor.
- Potential to upgrade the Resource, which is currently 5.2Mt @ 8.6% combined Zn+Pb.
- Z_4069_003 has also discovered a mineralised growth fault that is likely to have played a key role in the mineralising process at the McGregor deposit.
- Similar ‘feeder’ structures in many Irish zinc deposits are sites of increasing thickness and grade.
The impressive new Base of Reef intercept comprises a calculated true width of 23.25m @ 12.7% Zn+0.8% Pb from 396.53m, including 7.69m grading 17.2% Zn+1.0% Pb from 401.33m.
The intercept is located 45m from the nearest drill hole and is likely to have a positive impact on Kildare’s recently published maiden JORC Resource of 5.2Mt @ 8.6% Zn+Pb.
Additional zones of mineralisation were intersected in the hole both above and below the base of Reef including 5.25m @ 10.2% Zn + 2.5% Pb from 240.95m and 8.44m @ 9.2% Zn + 0.5% Pb from 435.96m.
Down hole and calculated true thicknesses are presented in Tables 1 & 2 below, with all assays reported in Appendix 1.
Z_4069_003 also discovered a mineralised fault located to the east of the Base of Reef target. This structure displays the characteristics of a ‘feeder’ fault with the McGregor mineralisation sitting in its hanging wall.
This is particularly encouraging because mineralisation in Irish zinc deposits is commonly associated with such ‘feeder’ faults, and the mineralisation often thickens and increases in grade towards them (e.g. at the world-class Lisheen deposit, see Figure 2).

Figure 1: Regional setting of the Kildare Project.
Two further holes have been completed approximately 1km to the west of MgGregor. Z_4069_004 discovered another significant mineralised structure along the western margin of the Allenwood Graben.
This discovery confirms ZMI’s geological model, and opens-up the western side of the Kildare Project area by highlighting the potential for mineralisation to be developed at the Base of Reef adjacent to this major fault.

Figure 2: Geological plan showing the location of drill holes and other features discussed in this report.

Figure 3: Diagrammatic cross section through the Main Zone at Lisheen, highlighting mineralisation at the base of the Waulsortian Reef and the control of the major faults. Note the thickening of mineralisation towards the principal ‘feeder’ fault zone (reproduced from EMD Publication Ref MP 04/06).
Hole Z_4069_005 targeted the Base of Reef adjacent to this fault approximately 90m to the east of hole 004, and encountered a second fault that appears to have displaced the target.

Figure 4: Cross section through McGregor highlighting the Base of Reef Mineralisation. Note the thickening of mineralisation in Z_4069_003 as it approaches the newly discovered ‘feeder’ fault.
The company is planning additional holes as part of the Phase 2 diamond drilling program with the objective of increasing the Mineral Resource based on the latest McGregor intersections, and drilling has 5 Zincofireland.com ACN: 124 140 889 been temporarily suspended to allow the project team time to interpret the geology and mineralised intersection in Z_4069_003 to assist with planning additional follow-up holes.
In addition, ZMI is conducting an interpretation on the geology and mineralised fault intersected in Z_4069_004. The attitude and delineation of further drill targets in this area is expected in order to target mineralisation similar to that at the McGregor and Shamrock deposits.

Figure 5: Z_4069_003 drill core showing massive sulphides at ~485m downhole.
Management Comment
ZMI’s Managing Director Peter van der Borgh said the company was highly encouraged by the results of Z_4069_003, which amounted to a significant breakthrough for the ongoing exploration at the Kildare Project.
“It’s always exciting to be able to deliver a spectacular drilling result such as this, but the latest round of drilling has also delivered a host of other invaluable geological and technical information. Together with our recently published maiden JORC Resource, this has laid the foundation for an exciting period of exploration going forward.”
“Our geological interpretation is holding true, and we now need to take stock of what we’ve learned and carefully plan what comes next, but we certainly feel like we are deciphering the code at McGregor as we move ahead with the next exciting phase of this exploration campaign,” he added.