Zenith Minerals and Rumble Resources unearth more high-grade results at Earaheedy project

Zenith Minerals executive chairman David Ledger says the company is “very pleased” with the “ongoing success” from infill and extensional drilling at Earaheedy.
Ongoing exploration at prospective targets within the Earaheedy zinc-lead joint venture in Western Australia has returned high-grade results for partners Zenith Minerals (ASX: ZNC) and Rumble Resources (ASX: RTR).
Infill and extensional drilling at the Chinook, Tonka and Navajoh prospects has extended the overall mineralised footprint of the venture and defined multiple discrete high-grade zones which remain open-ended.
Strong grade continuity at Chinook included intercepts of 20m at 3.63% zinc-lead from 63m; 8m at 3.65% zinc-lead and 8.03g/t silver from 128m; 17m at 2.91% zinc-lead and 2.29g/t silver from 110m; 5m at 4.54% zinc-lead and 4.24g/t silver from 110m; and 5m at 5.53% zinc-lead and 3.56g/t silver from 79m.
The Kalitan discrete high-grade zone returned 20m at 8.78% zinc-lead and 11.7g/t silver, within 51m at 4.76% zinc-lead from 82m; 10m at 6.57% zinc-lead and 16.24g/t silver from 200m, within a broad zone of 84m at 1.84% zinc-lead to end of hole; 13m at 6.94% zinc-lead from 137m, including 6m at 10.51% zinc-lead from 141m; and 6m at 6.57% zinc-lead.
At Chinook’s new Spur zone, drilling returned 6m at 4.13% zinc-lead from 100m, including 2m at 9.09% zinc-lead from 100m; 6m at 4.69% zinc-lead from 109m; and 10m at 4.32% zinc-lead from 107m, including 2m at 12.34% zinc-lead from 107m.
Tonka drilling
A zone of flat lying zinc-lead-silver mineralisation was also discovered 8km southeast of Chinook during testing of the wider potential of the Tonka prospect.
The mineralisation style is believed to be flat-lying near surface, like at Chinook.
Results included 22m at 4.27% zinc-lead and 5.4g/t silver from 110m; and 10m at 3.93% zinc-lead and 4.34g/t silver from 84m.
Significant high-grade mineralisation was intercepted at the northern end of Tonka in a newly-identified east-west trending zone called Colorado, which comprises multiple open-ended, inferred, mineralised feeder structures with strike lengths up to 2km.
Two initial holes within the Colorado Zone returned highlights of 73m at 3.07% zinc-lead from 106m, including 13m at 5.38% zinc-lead from 108m, 19m at 3.48% zinc-lead from 132m; and 9m at 3.56% zinc-lead from 162m, with 2m at 8.17% zinc-lead from 162m.
Zenith said Tonka is “significantly advancing in size and grade”, having returned some of the widest and highest-grade, zinc-dominant drill intercepts to-date at Earaheedy.
Navajoh zone
At the Navajoh prospect, 4km southeast of Tonka, a mineralised zone was discovered similar to that at Chinook and Tonka.
Results from drilling at Navajoh in December included 5m at 6.38% zinc-lead and 6.3g/t silver from 123m; 3m at 6.15% zinc-lead and 10.63g/t silver from 132m; and 4m at 4.18% zinc-lead and 3.57g/t silver from 106m.
Earaheedy equity
Located approximately 110km northeast of Wiluna, the Earaheedy project is shared between Zenith (with 25% equity) and Rumble (75%).
It covers 42km of unconformity prospective strike which remains untested and completely open.
Since a major zinc-lead-silver-copper discovery at Chinook in April 2021, scoping and broad-spaced infill drilling has rapidly uncovered an emerging world-class scale base metals system.
Chinook is being fast-tracked with an extensive accelerated exploration program, underpinned by a $40 million capital raising by Rumble.