White Cliff Minerals uncovers high-grade historic gold results from Reedy South

The drilling results will form part of an upcoming maiden resource estimate for the newly acquired WA project.
Just three weeks after settling its acquisition of the Reedy South gold project, White Cliff Minerals (ASX: WCN) has released high-grade gold intercepts from historic drilling at the project in the Cue goldfield of Western Australia.
These include 20m at 4.13 grams per tonne gold, including 3m at 11.33g/t. Mineralisation began at 2m downhole.
Other discovered intercepts were 4m at 9.51g/t gold (including 2m at 11.75g/t), 2m at 2.7g/t and 6m at 2.68g/t.
The results came from a small reverse circulation drilling program undertaken at the King Cole prospect in 2010 and were uncovered by desktop analysis while White Cliff was working toward a maiden mineral resource estimate.
Reedy South covers 156sq km and includes 1km of strike along the Reedy Shear Zone.
There is one granted mining lease that includes the historic underground workings at the Pegasus and King Cole mines. The company also holds three exploration licences.
Reedy South lies 40km north of Cue and 80km south of Meekatharra in WA.
White Cliff acquired the ground from private vendors for $850,000 in cash along with 300,000 new shares and a smelter royalty.
Sampling also hits gold
In addition, Auralia Mining Consulting, which has been engaged to complete the mineral resource estimate, took samples near the historic shaft.
A rock chip sample assayed at 12.5g/t while gold in waste found near the Pegasus shaft returned 1.98g/t.
White Cliff technical director Ed Mead said the King Cole drilling program was good for two reasons.
“The grade (including from near surface) is always great to see but, as importantly, the drilling data provides further evidence that the mineralisation is near vertical at the King Cole and Pegasus prospects,” he said.
Historical drilling at Reedy South between 1984 and 2015 has returned many high-grade intercepts including 12m at 5.26g/t, 7m at 10.86g/t and 4m at 7.68g/t gold.
Reedy South is located within trucking distance of several operating gold mines and mills and lies close to the Great Northern Highway.
Since 1984, companies that have held the tenement containing the old workings include Homestake Australia, St Barbara (ASX: SBM) and the private Wakefield Holdings.