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WA Government bets on industries for the future with land allocation

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By Robin Bromby - 
Western Australia Government land allocation industries for the future ammonia green iron ore hydrogen lithium chemicals Boodarie Ashburton North strategic industrial areas Pilbara

WA’s Government has allocated land to projects that will produce ammonia, green iron ore, hydrogen and lithium chemicals.


Often referred to as the nation’s main quarry, Western Australia is about to see a new wave of downstream industries as the state government burnishes its green energy credentials.

WA Minister for State Development and Hydrogen Industry Roger Cook has allocated land for privately financed ventures to produce a range of industrial products including ammonia, green iron ore, hydrogen and lithium chemicals.

In total, the proposed capital expenditure of the companies receiving land allocation is about $70 billion.

Land has been allocated at the Boodarie and Ashburton North strategic industrial areas (SIA), located near the Pilbara coast towns of Port Hedland and Onslow respectively.

Land grants for green steel and lithium hydroxide

Among the companies taking part in the land allocation are: BP, South Korean steel major Posco, Alinta Energy and Fortescue Metals Group (ASX: FMG).

At the Ashburton North SIA, the focus will be on production of ammonia and methanol as well as hydrogen.

Companies allocated ground at Ashburton North are Equus Energy (a subsidiary of Western Gas Corporation) which is developing the offshore Equus project with its 2 trillion cubic feet of gas along with condensate, and Fortescue’s Future Industries business, which has plans for green hydrogen.

At Boodarie, 12km south of Port Hedland, the companies allocated land are Posco, Fortescue Metals, the Hong Kong-owned West Australian power utility Alinta Energy, British lithium hydroxide producer Tees Valley Lithium and BP which is developing the Australian Renewable Energy Hub.

Economic diversification, more jobs

Mr Cook said the land allocation is an important step in transforming Boodarie and Ashburton North in to globally competitive, multi-product industrial precincts.

This development is expected to support diversification of WA’s economy and will create new jobs.

“From job creation to growing the local advanced manufacturing industry and servicing international markets, we will see the economic benefits of these land allocations and these projects flow through the West Australian economy over time,” Mr Cook added.

Renewable energy hub

The Australian Renewables Energy Hub, 40.5%-owned by BP, is being planned as one of the largest renewables and green hydrogen hubs in the world.

It will comprise 26 gigawatts of offshore wind and solar generating capacity and, at full capacity, could produce 9 million tonnes per annum of green ammonia and 1.6Mt of green hydrogen.

Alinta Energy, apart from the prospects for green hydrogen, is focusing on its intention to build a solar farm and battery energy storage system.