Venus Metals uncovers potential high-grade clay hosted rare earths at Marvel Loch East

UltraFine soil sampling at Marvel Loch East returned 6,092ppm TREO and 702ppm of the critical magnet element neodymium oxide.
Diversified explorer Venus Metals Corporation (ASX: VMC) has identified grades up 6,092 parts per million total rare earth oxides from its Marvel Loch East project.
The ground, 85km southeast of Southern Cross in Western Australia, is believed to have potential for clay-hosted REE mineralisation.
An UltraFine soil sampling program at the project led to the discovery of the peak 6,092ppm TREO.
The samples also include 702ppm of the critical magnet element neodymium oxide.
Venus notes that the analytical results — compiled from data held by Venus and the Geological Survey of Western Australia — define REE anomalies in soil, laterite and rock chips along a 25km strike length and suggest the presence of REE-rich bedrock.
‘Exceptional’ results
Managing Director Matthew Hogan said the find was “exceptional”.
“The REE analyses of up to 6,092ppm total rare earth oxides are exceptional and highly significant, especially when considering they are in an area that has a 25km aeromagnetic high,” he added.
Historical rotary air blast and aircore drilling indicated the residual weathering profile is preserved between areas of monzogranite outcrop to depths of about 40m.
Potential for key heavy rare earths
The company is planning shallow aircore drilling to target residual clay zones to test for clay hosted REE.
So far, only surface samples have been analysed and there is scope for heavy rare earth enrichment at depth in the weathering profile, said Venus.
Clay-hosted rare earth oxides may have higher heavy REE concentrations closer to the bedrock.
Historical drilling by the former Dominion Mining and then by Image Resources (ASX: IMA) intersected the weathering profile now confirmed at Marvel Loch East.
Venus is planning to begin exploration immediately with a field mapping program to investigate the regolith — the material overlying the bedrock — settings.
That will be followed by shallow aircore drilling.
Petrography work is also planned to understand the genesis and nature of the rare earths mineralisation.
Field studies and data interpretation will be carried out by specialist rare earths consultants who are also involved with Venus’ Mangaroon REE project in the Gascoyne region of WA.
Mangaroon North is 50km from the Yangibana rare earths deposit owned by Hastings Technology Metals (ASX: HAS) and abuts the ground on which Dreadnought Resources (ASX: DRE) has discovered rare earths.