
Tests show RareX can produce premium grade phosphate concentrate at Cummins Range

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By Robin Bromby - 
RareX ASX REE Cummins Range Project Metallurgical Geotechnical

Bulk floatation test work by RareX (ASX: REE) has shown consistent performance for the production  of a phosphate mineral concentrate from the company’s Cummins Range project in Western Australia.

The company says “outstanding” results were achieved with greater than 34% phosphorus pentoxide mineral concentrate produced, and with a recovery rate of 91%.

Flotation results also showed good rare earths recovery of 70% rare earth elements which, the company notes, is in line with expectations and further supports the assumptions of the project’s scoping study.

Streamlining operations and reducing permitting

RareX says the results sit well within the range where extraction can take place using surface mining methods, a method which is now becoming the preferred approach rather than using more traditional drill and blast.

“Surface miners have the potential to reduce the permitting applications for the project and replace primary crushing, reducing costs and simplifying operations,” says the company.

The test work was carried out at the rare earths and phosphate project located in the Kimberley region.

Good product quality

RareX chief executive officer James Durrant said the flotation test work supports the opportunity for Stage 2 development at Cummins Range to produce a high value phosphate-rare earths beneficiated product as part of the company’s rare earths business.

“The upgrade and grade recovery results are very encouraging and support good product quality and resource utilisation,” he added.

Focus not exclusively on rare earths

RareX says that flotation tests were not focused on concentrating rare earths and total rare earth oxide grade is relatively low for this composite.

“However, the recovery trend of the rare earth elements has high similarities, albeit slightly lower recoveries, to the phosphate,” the company added.

This is in line with expectations and further supports the scoping study assumptions for the product recoveries and the production of a combined concentrate of apatite and monazite.