Test work by Revolver Resources shows Dianne’s potential to produce saleable copper and zinc concentrates

Encouraging results from mineralised samples support production potential at Revolver’s copper project.
Test work at the Dianne copper project in North Queensland has demonstrated that Revolver Resources (ASX: RRR) has the potential to produce marketable copper and zinc.
Bench-scale work on samples from the massive sulphide zone demonstrated the feasibility of generating copper and zinc concentrates via flotation with marketable copper and zinc grades, and potential silver credits.
Grind and flotation recovered a total of 95.9% copper and 97.1% zinc.
At the Green Hill Oxide zone, a seven-day acid bottle roll test indicates this mineralisation is “very amenable” to low-cost heap leach processing for copper recovery, achieving an 90.4% copper extraction rate.
Potential for combined open pit operation
The Dianne mine, worked as both an open pit and underground operation, was in production between 1979 and 1983, during which time 63,758 tonnes of ore was treated at an average copper grade of 22.7%. The deposit had been discovered in 1958.
The project is located 165km northwest of Cairns. No previous drilling had been undertaken below 165m before Revolver’s programs.
Revolver managing director Pat Williams said the company now sees the potential for a combined open pit development of the oxide, supergene and remaining primary massive sulphide mineralisation at Dianne.
“The positive initial metallurgical test work, with high recoveries and potentially marketable copper and zinc characteristics, is a major step toward de-risking the potential at Dianne,” he added.
Limited historical test work
Further test work is planned, while the results reported today will be factored into the initial mineral resource estimate which Revolver expects to release in coming weeks.
Revolver noted that limited test work was completed on Dianne ore types between 1979 and 1983 as the mining back then involved high-grade chalcocite — a sulphide mineral that is one of the most important ores of copper — which was direct shipped to Japanese smelters for processing.
This latest test work was commissioned as an initial step toward to assessing processing viability, along with recovery rates.