
Tambourah Metals to target high-grade gold and critical minerals in new drilling campaign

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By Colin Hay - 
Tambourah Metals ASX TMB quarterly report June 2024

West Australian explorer Tambourah Metals (ASX: TMB) is about to set off on a major program of proposed works within its significant portfolio of gold and critical minerals assets.

At the Tambourah gold project, the company has commenced site preparations for drill planning and drone mapping following the completion of geological interpretation and targeting in the second quarter, with plans in place to complete a 12-hole program targeting extensions to the quartz lode-style vein system and the untested granite-greenstone contact (World’s Fair prospect).

The program is being supported by a $75,000 Exploration Incentive Scheme co-funded drilling grant provided by the WA government.

Shallow workings

The historic Tambourah goldfield is located 85 kilometres south-west of Marble Bar and comprises a series of workings developed on north-south oriented quartz lodes over 3km of strike.

High-grade gold mineralisation has been reported from the shallow workings, with reported production of 5,445 tonnes of ore for 148.9 kilograms gold.

Tambourah’s 2023 reverse circulation (RC) drilling intersected shallow, high-grade gold at both the World’s Fair and Tambourah King prospects.

Cheela drilling

At the Cheela gold project, Tambourah is preparing to undertake follow-up RC drilling targeting a historic high-grade gold intersection and other identified primary targets related to underlying structures.

The company is also planning to extend the known soil geochemistry along the strike of the Nanjilgardy Fault system, targeting gold-in-soil anomalies related to structural displacement.

Tambourah recently completed a total of 11 aircore holes at Cheela for 769m, with assay results confirming a persistent shallow gold anomaly associated with the significant historic drill intercepts.

Tin and REE search

Tambourah will continue its search for tin and rare earth elements (REE) at Coondina with field mapping and sampling of historic workings and pegmatites.

Tambourah is also hunting for tin opportunities with site sampling and mapping at Shaw River, which will include an assessment of the historical tin-producing prospects and residual dumps.

At the Julimar North project, the company is undertaking geological interpretation of recent drilling, including obtaining geochemical results and is awaiting the results of an airborne magnetic survey recently acquired by SQM (Sociedad Química Minera de Chile S.A.) at Julimar North.

The 12,805-line-kilometre aeromagnetic survey covered priority targets at Mogumber, Bolgart and Yerecoin, where ultramafic rocks – prospective for hosting nickel and precious metal mineralisation – have been identified.

Data from the survey is currently being processed and interpreted to define future exploration targets.