Tambourah Metals secures shareholder approval for critical minerals push at Speewah Nth

Tambourah Metals (ASX: TMB) has obtained shareholder approval to acquire an interest in the critical minerals-rich Speewah Nth project in Western Australia.
The company has identified gold, copper and antimony potential in a desktop review of historical exploration data for the project, located 110 kilometres south-west of Kununurra in the state’s far north.
The review has also led Tambourah to conclude that the potential for critical mineral occurrences in the project area has not been adequately assessed due to changes in commodity demand and exploration priorities.
Upcoming plans
Tambourah has now identified drill targets that it believes have the potential to deliver significant intersections of critical minerals, particularly antimony.
The company plans to further investigate the historical exploration data and collate and integrate the information.
It will also compile information from surface sampling, regional and prospect-scale geophysical surveys, along with drilling data within the Speewah Nth project.
Collecting high-grade antimony rock chip samples will be a priority, with drilling planned for the upcoming 2025 season.
Intermittent historical work
The Speewah Dome region has an intermittent exploration and mapping history between the early 1900s and 1949, with the search for base metals, uranium and heavy minerals conducted between 1968 and 1971.
The latest work helped identify and define the Speewah fluorite deposit.
Drilling and evaluation of the deposit have continued in several phases up to recent times, and comprehensive exploration programs completed in the Speewah Dome vicinity have identified numerous structures hosting polymetallic mineralisation in quartz veining and breccias.
Recent exploration
Regional exploration between 2009 and 2019 included airborne electromagnetic surveying and surface sampling.
Sub-audio magnetic surveys, ground magnetic and gravity surveys, induced polarisation surveys, and reverse circulation and diamond drilling was also carried out during this period.
This work identified structurally controlled, hydrothermal vein and breccia-related base metal prospects covering an area of 6.1km by 4.7km.