
Tambourah Metals completes maiden drilling program at namesake gold project in WA

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By Imelda Cotton - 
Tambourah Metals ASX TMB gold drilling update

Tambourah Metals (ASX: TMB) has completed a maiden program of reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling (DD) at its Tambourah gold project 100 kilometres south-west of Marble Bar in Western Australia.

The program comprised 11 holes for a total of 1,010 metres of drilling, with eight targeting high-grade lode gold at the historic Tambourah King, Federal and Kushmattie prospects and the remaining three searching for lode and granite intrusion-related gold at the World’s Fair prospect.

The DD program at World’s Fair was co-funded by the WA government under an Exploration Incentive Scheme grant.

Follow-up drilling

The maiden programs were designed to follow up significant intersections from Tambourah’s RC campaign at Tambourah King in 2022, which returned the best assays of 2m at 18 grams per tonne gold from 55m including 1m at 20.2g/t from 55m and 5m at 6.1g/t gold from 69m including 1m at 28g/t from 70m.

Drilling at World’s Fair in 2023 identified gold mineralisation within basalt as well as an elongate granite intrusion adjacent to the western margin of the greenstone.

Significant intersections were 3m at 3.3g/t gold from 23m including 1m at 8.4g/t from 23m and 4m at 3.0g/t gold from 15m including 1m at 8.6g/t.

Lode gold system

The lode gold system at Tambourah is characterised by a series of sub-parallel and northerly-striking narrow, steeply-dipping quartz lodes within a wider envelope of carbonate alteration.

Individual lodes are reported to have strike lengths of more than 250m, as indicated by the shallow workings.

All RC samples have been submitted for assay, while DD core has been marked up on-site and freighted to Perth for sampling and results are anticipated to be available next month.

Executive chair Rita Brooks said the company was now planning a RC program at the Cheela project and had commenced data analysis and drill targeting of the Bryah copper-gold project in WA’s Murchison region.