Strategic Elements subsidiary Stealth Technologies to advance autonomous security vehicle collaboration with Honeywell

Strategic Elements’ subsidiary Stealth Technologies and Honeywell are negotiating a new agreement to continue developing and commercialising autonomous security vehicle technology.
Strategic Elements’ (ASX: SOR) subsidiary Stealth Technologies is working on a new agreement with fortune 100 software-industrial company Honeywell to further develop and commercialise the autonomous security vehicle technology they have collaboratively developed.
An initial agreement was inked between Stealth and Honeywell in 2019 to work together on creating an autonomous security vehicle for the Western Australian Department of Justice.
The vehicle was designed for the Eastern Goldfields Regional Prison.
Stealth developed custom robotics based on its AxV autonomous mobile platform, which has resulted in the “first autonomous security vehicle of its kind anywhere in the world”.
Site acceptance testing
The autonomous security vehicle officially passed site acceptance testing at the prison a month ago.
This involved completion of full missions of the prison’s internal and external perimeter.
The technology was also successfully switched between manual and autonomous control, while the command and control centre showed it could be used to stop the vehicle with the emergency stop button.
Testing demonstrated the autonomous security vehicle’s mission could be paused, stopped to prevent collision, failover to redundant hardware and then continue its mission.
The vehicle has been “seamlessly integrated” into the prison’s security management platform and can test all aspects of interior and exterior fence line technology including microphonics sensors, microwave beams, photo electric beams and electro magnetic fields.
This information is reported in real-time to Honeywell’s security manager system.
Advancing autonomous security vehicle technology
With successful site acceptance testing, Stealth and Honeywell plan to negotiate a new agreement to further develop and commercialise the autonomous security vehicle.
In addition to the plans with Honeywell, Stealth has held ongoing discussions regarding potential pilot deployments of its technology in defence, security, agriculture, mining and other areas outside the correctional sector.
Strategic noted Stealth was “seeking to work closely” with early adopters to understand their needs and solve specific problems.
It is estimated the perimeter security market alone will reach US$282.26 billion by 2025.