Sky and Space Global discovers commercially astute spectrum monitoring capability

Sky and Space Global’s 3 Diamonds nano-satellites performed the worlds first Spectrum Monitoring of radio frequencies by nano-satellites.
Nano-satellite maker Sky and Space Global (ASX: SAS) has successfully completed the world’s first spectrum monitoring operation using nanosatellites, thereby opening the door for the company to expand the range of service features it is able to offer.
According to Sky and Space Global, its proprietary ‘3 Diamonds’ network was used to investigate and identify a network interference operation that was occurring within Europe on a frequency owned by a leading geostationary satellite communications operator.
Using its onboard software defined radio capabilities, the 3 Diamonds network was able to detect and identify the source of interference, thereby enabling the satellite operator to remediate the issue.
Full spectrum commercialisation
Spectrum monitoring is the detection and location of radio frequencies from sources on the ground and is implemented by governments and satellite operators globally as a means of mapping radiofrequency sources and improving network security.
The successful operation effectively allows Sky and Space Global to obtain a foothold in the monitoring and surveillance markets with potential marketability within government operations aiming to improve surveillance and detection capabilities of various radio signal traffic.
Furthermore, this additional capability expands its initial target market and provides new commercial opportunities to manage monitoring requirements on behalf of other satellite operators and government agencies that have observed radio frequency interference or wish to map data transmissions.
Sky and Space Global has said this additional avenue means that it will incorporate the technology to map and monitor radio-frequencies into the Peals constellation, planned for next year.
The nanosatellite maker plans to conduct more field tests for the remainder of 2018 and confirms that it is on track to complete its first launch of the “equatorial constellation Pearl nano-satellites” during Q1 2019.
Moving forward, SAS plans to expand its nano-satellite network by launching more satellites to be assimilated into the broader network. In the meantime, the focus is to close new material telecommunications and data management binding contracts for delivery of narrowband services from the equatorial constellation.
The company has previously said that it expects to generate significant gross revenues of around A$300 – $500 million per year once approximately half of its intended network of 100 nano-satellites is successfully launched. At full capacity, SAS is forecasting revenues of around A$1 billion per year.
“The pioneering technology onboard our nano-satellites enabled us to identify an interference on a global satellite network. This has demonstrated the capabilities of our nano-satellites to monitor radio frequencies across a substantial area and has opened up further commercial opportunities among global satellite companies and government agencies that rely on having access to quality and clear satellite communications,” said Mr Meir Moalem, managing director and CEO of Sky and Space Global.
“We will now look to incorporate this capability into our Pearls constellation and are confident in commercialising the Pearls based on the successful technological and commercial demonstrations with our 3 Diamonds,” he added.