Revolver Resources to drill priority targets identified by EM survey at Dianne project

A 2,000m diamond drilling program at Revolver Resources’ (ASX: RRR) will begin over the next week as the company follows up electro-magnetic survey results at its Dianne polymetallic project in northern Queensland.
The program is focusing on testing three targets identified by helicopter borne-electromagnetic survey work at the Larramore Volcanic Belt.
These anomalies are now regarded as priorities following the results of recent field mapping activities.
This field mapping, completed in May, confirmed an 8km north-south outcrop, with what the company describes as encouraging surface rocks and vegetation known to be indicative of high copper endowment in soils.
Track and drill pads preparation is now in progress.
Late last year Revolver reported that test work had demonstrated to produce marketable copper and zinc.
Expecting one of the world’s lower cost copper mine
The project is located 260km from Cairns and is covered by six active mining leases and one exploration permit.
Revolver has previously noted that the compact and high-grade nature of the known mineralisation at Dianne offers the potential for the project becoming one of the world’s lowest cost copper operations.
The historic mine, worked as both an open pit and underground operation, was in production between 1979 and 1983, during which time 63,758 tonnes of ore was treated at an average copper grade of 22.7%. The deposit had been discovered in 1958.
Revolver has noted that limited test work was completed on Dianne ore types between 1979 and 1983 as the mining back then involved high-grade chalcocite — a sulphide mineral that is one of the most important ores of copper — which was direct shipped to Japanese smelters for processing.
The mineral resource estimate stands at 1.62 million tonnes at 1.1% copper.
Drilling at all three anomalies
The field mapping was conducted over selected areas of the volcanic belt.
On the basis of a combination of geophysics and surface geological work, Revolver says has earmarked three targets, all of which are located within, or on the margin of, the gossanous outcropping zone.
The plan is to complete three drill holes at each of the anomalies.
Exploration is also proceeding at Revolver’s other project, Osprey, south of Burketown.
That project lies inside the North-West minerals province and the company is targeting Mount Isa-style copper.