Revolver Resources again on target at Dianne copper project

Revolver Resources (ASX: RRR) is off to a strong start with its drilling campaign along the Larramore Volcanic Belt at its Dianne copper project in northern Queensland.
The company has already identified strong alteration, stockwork veining and silicification in the initial two holes drilled at the C16 target, while a third hole is now making strong progress.
The drilling at C16 is just part of a significant new exploration campaign underway at Dianne.
Multi-faceted exploration campaign
Managing director Pat Williams said that alongside the ongoing drilling campaign the company also has a heli-gravity survey underway and has recently received soil sampling assays as it continues to confirm the prospectivity of key drill targets identified within the Larramore trend.
“With every exploration activity undertaken within the Larramore Belt at Dianne the results demonstrate the potential for a system of district-scale copper-gold mineralisation,” Mr Williams said.
“The geophysical, geochemical and geological data gathered in this area over the last nine months has delivered, and triangulated, the compelling evidence of this potential. We look forward to receipt of assays from the in-progress drilling of the C16, C5 and C6 targets.”
Nine-hole program planned
Revolver is now well advanced with the drilling of the third hole in an initial nine-hole exploration drilling program.
Testing of the C16, C5 and C6 targets kicked off in July, with the initial program feature three diamond holes across each target for a total of nine-holes and approximately 2,000m of drilling.
Two shallow diamond holes have been completed to date at the C16 target.
Drillholes 23LMDD003 and 23LMDD004 were designed to intersect the stockwork zone below the observed outcrop and geochemical anomalism, and above the deeper EM target.
Promising early observations
Initial observations are that the two holes have returned strongly hydrothermal altered (and sheared) sections of the host turbidite sequences (chlorite, quartz and epidote) associated with stockwork veining and intense silicification.
The company is now awaiting assay results, expected in late September, to determine the grade of mineralisation. Multi- element assays are expected to be received from late September.
The third diamond hole 23LMDD005 is testing the centre of the C16 EM target.
On completion of this hole, the drill rig is set to move to the C5 target.
Taking to the air
Revolver is now assessing the results of a high-resolution helicopter electromagnetic and magnetic data survey completed over 37 sq km within permits EPM 27291 and EPM 27411 in the second half of 2022.
The survey examined areas of prospective ground located in the western part of the Dianne project while covering a substantial part of the Larramore Volcanics Belt in this area.
To data studies of the EM survey data has identified a significant number of discrete, prominent ‘Late-Time’ conductivity anomalies within the Larramore Belt.
Sixteen high-priority bedrock anomaly targets have been interpreted to be strong targets for follow-up drilling.
Hitting the ground
Revolver has completed reconnaissance geological mapping along the ridgeline between the C16 and C6 EM targets within the broader Larramore Volcanics Belt.
The company found that some of the better developed gossanous zones correspond directly with, and mark the surface expression of, key existing EM and magnetic drill targets.
Within the field work Revolver also completed a detailed soil geochemistry grid along the broad gossanous trend to better define the areas of mineralisation.
Approximately 325 soil samples were collected on east-west oriented lines over 2.9 km of strike length with results successfully defining an extensive, coherent and linear geochemistry anomaly extending over 1.2 km strike length and corresponded strongly with (and down slope of) the outcropping gossanous zones.
The anomaly is defined by strong gold and copper returns.
Revolver believes that linearity supports the structural control hypothesis associated with the area’s regional shear zone.
The company is planning further testing of the anomalism, with its strength and the size and coherence of the anomalous zones, in combination with the identified Heli-EM anomalies, further reinforcing the highly prospective targets around the C5, C6 and C16 targets, which are the subject of the current drilling program at Dianne.