Resolution Minerals pushes ahead at 64North on several exploration fronts

Resolution has identified 20 gold prospects across 64North.
Resolution Minerals (ASX: RML) is pushing ahead at its 64North project in Alaska, with work on at least five of its of its multiple targets in the US state.
First, trenching is beginning at Tourmaline Ridge after rock chip sampling returned grades as high as 118 grams per tonne gold.
The Tourmaline Ridge prospect lies on a northeast-southwest trend of mineralisation leading to Northern Star’s (ASX: NST) Goodpaster discovery which is undergoing a $21 million resource drill-out along strike.
124m of drill core never assayed
Second, the company has located an unassayed historic drill core from its Sunrise prospect.
That 188m historic diamond drill hole was assayed only to 64m.
“We now have the opportunity to assay the remaining 124m and further assess the depth potential of the Sunrise prospect without incurring additional drilling costs,” the company stated.
Results are due in October.
Sunrise is 2km from Tourmaline Ridge.
East Pogo
Meanwhile, deeper drill targets have been identified at East Pogo with a three-hole core drilling planned for next year.
East Pogo is located on the Pogo Trend, positioned between the 11 million ounce Pogo gold mine owned by Northern Star and the large Tibbs gold project being explored by Vancouver-based Tectonic Metals.
In addition, ground assessment is under way to establish drill targets at the Kramer gold prospect and at Elaine, a copper-molybdenum-gold prospect.
Trenching a low-cost, effective approach
Speaking of Tourmaline Ridge, Resolution managing director Duncan Chessell said a road is now being bulldozed to enable access for the trenching program.
“Trenching is a highly effective low-cost method to define the scale and structures of the gold mineralisation,” he added.
Mr Chessell describes East Pogo as a “high value target”.
The 1,600m deeper drilling at East Pogo will follow up reverse circulation holes and geophysics that indicate proximity to a gold-bearing system from pathfinder elements.
Resolution says that surface sampling and drilling at the Sunrise prospect has demonstrated the potential for Fort Knox style gold mineralisation on the 64North project, a reference to the 5.6Moz Fort Know gold mine in Alaska.
The 64North project contains 20 gold prospects and the Elaine porphyry ground.