Predictive Discovery exceeds expectations with thick gold intersections at Ouarigue South

Predictive Discovery unearthed 45.3m at 3.16g/t gold from 45.9m and numerous other thick intersections during diamond drilling at Ferkessedougou North.
Gold explorer Predictive Discovery (ASX: PDI) has exceeded its expectations after uncovering numerous thick gold mineralised intersections at the Ouarigue South prospect, which is part of the Ferkessedougou North project in Core D’Ivoire.
The intersections were from a nine-hole diamond drilling program that totalled 1,059m, with mineralisation remaining open to the south and at depth.
Notable intersections were 45.3m at 3.16g/t gold from 45.9m, including 9m at 10.31g/t gold; 45m at 1.52g/t gold from 42.1m; and 59.7m at 1.35g/t gold from 49.5m, including 4.5m at 5.83g/t gold.
“These are a significant improvement on the initial reconnaissance reverse circulation results at Ouarigue South and suggest that overall gold grades are higher at depth ie below the near-surface weathered zone,” Predictive managing director Paul Roberts said.
Predictive anticipates the intersections are from an orebody that is a up to 100m wide and 210m long.
Mr Roberts noted that deeper drilling along strike to the south may produce gold higher-grades.
“Also, most of the mineralised body contains reportable gold grades, which bodes well for ore continuity and tonnage potential.”
Toro joint venture
Predictive holds a 30% interest in the project via the Toro joint venture, which is currently focussed on the Boundiali and Ferkessedougou North projects, with both assets generating encouraging results in recent weeks.
Late last month, Predictive revealed it had intersected 27m at 2.42g/t gold from 27m and other gold intercepts at the Nyangboue prospect at Boundiali. Drilling had tested a 720m section of a 1.2km strike, with other highlight results comprising 30m at 8.3g/t gold from 39m, including 1.5m at 56.9g/t gold and 4.5m at 26.5g/t gold.
“The Nyangboue infill drill results add significant upside to the wider Boundiali project, which has strong potential to host economic gold mineralisation.”
“In both cases, we have made significant initial gold discoveries in permits with excellent potential to find more gold mineralisation at multiple locations nearby,” Mr Roberts said.
Mr Roberts added the joint venture anticipated additional “significant” news flow from the projects in the coming months, along with results from exploration at Predictive’s wholly-owned Guinea project.
Predictive’s share price rocked 200% on the news to reach $0.027 by mid-morning. Meanwhile, mineral investment vehicle Aurora Minerals (ASX: ARM), which has a 21.9% interest in Predictive, also enjoyed an upward ride, with its shares soaring 81.82% to reach $0.02.