
Pioneer Lithium begins maiden exploration at Canadian projects

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By Robin Bromby - 
Pioneer Lithium ASX PLN maiden exploration Canadian projects Root Lake

Less than a week after starting trading on the ASX, Pioneer Lithium (ASX: PLN) field teams are already on the ground mapping and sampling at Root Lake, one of its three battery metals projects in Canada.

The field teams are aiming to identify pegmatite outcrops along two highly prospective corridors.

Pioneer listed last Thursday after its $5 million initial public offering closed with what the company described as significant oversubscriptions.

Root Lake (owned 90%) consists of 94 claims totalling 1,927 hectares, located in northwest Ontario.

Systematic bedrock sampling

Pioneer says the field work will be handled by multiple teams, focusing initially on the Extended Morrison trend in the northwest portion of the project’s area.

This work will be carried out adjacent to the Morrison-McCombe pegmatite system being explored by Green Technology Metals (ASX: GT1).

In parallel, teams will be deployed to the Central Corridor in the southeast of Root Lake, again adjacent to a Green Technology pegmatite spodumene system, Root Bay.

The field work is being undertaken in conjunction with lithium consultants Coast Mountain Geological.

This will be undertaken in two phases, the first of which will include detailed geological mapping of outcrops and systematic bedrock sampling.

Looking for continuation of pegmatites

This will be followed by target litho-geochemical channel sampling to test the dispersion of lithium-bearing pathfinder minerals.

Pioneer is seeking to establish whether its ground contains continuations of Green Technology’s two systems.

At Morrison-McCombe, Green Technology has an inferred resource of 4.5 million tonnes at 1.01% lithium oxide while at Root Bay the mineral estimate is 8.1Mt at 1.23% lithium.

Pioneer’s Root Lake ground is located within the eastern Superior province straddling the Sydney Lake-Lake St Joseph fault.

Pioneer came to the market led by a team with lithium experience.

Robert Martin is Executive Chair and Clinton Booth, a former Fortescue Future Industry executive, is chief executive officer of Pioneer.

The company also holds 100% of the Lauri Lake lithium project in Ontario and the LaGrande project in Quebec’s lithium hotspot, James Bay.