
Pan Asia Metals plans lithium resource estimate at Bang I Tum by year’s end

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By Robin Bromby - 
Pan Asia Metals ASX PAM new prospective zone Bang I Tum lithium prospect southern Thailand

Pan Asia Metals 的 Bang I Tum 锂勘探区的一个新的勘探区被认为是 800m x 200m。


While visual results from drilling confirm pegmatite dyke at the Bang I Tum project in Thailand, Pan Asia Metals (ASX: PAM) is now on track to deliver a mineral resource estimate later this year.

Results from the latest hole indicate that the pegmatite dyke-vein swarm is more than 300m wide in its northern portion.

Meanwhile, Pan Asia reports that drilling has confirmed the discovery of new pegmatite zones to the west of the main zone, with pegmatites there being intercepted down-dip.

Also, drilling has confirmed further northern extensions of the main zone in associated with elevated lithium in rock chips and soils at surface.

Third rig being considered

The company notes that these geometries are consistent with the geological interpretation for the current exploration target of between 8 million tonnes and 14Mt at between 0.5% and 0.8% lithium oxide.

An updated exploration target estimate is at present being prepared and will include the newly discovered Western Zone.

Drilling in ongoing as part of the track toward the mineral resource estimate.

Managing director Paul Lock says assay results to date are very encouraging, as are visual observations.

“Drilling continues and we are currently considering a third rig a decision will be made with a third quarter start in mind,” he added.

“Overall, we are very pleased with the results at Bang I Tum, the prospect is shaping up very well.”

Lithium mica concentrate planned

Bang I Tum is located southern Thailand, about 8km north of Pan Asia’s Reung Kiet lithium project.

While Bang I Tum’s dyke swarm is more than 300m wide, that at Reung Kiet has a dyke swarm width of about 100m.

The Bang I Tum prospect hosts a significant historic tin mine that extends for almost 2km along strike.

Mining the tin was done by open cut and was abandoned when hard rock was reached.

In addition to the work now going on for a new exploration target plan, and the planned mineral resource estimate, Pan Asia is also preparing metallurgical samples from drill cores of completed holes.

These samples will undergo comminution (reduction to minute particles) and beneficiation test work in order to produce a lithium mica concentrate.