PainChek prepares for Australian rollout of pain assessment software in residential aged care

Clinical teams from PainChek and Ward Medication Management will collaborate on delivering training to aged care service providers in the use of the pain assessment technology.
Healthcare innovator PainChek (ASX: PCK) has announced that it intends to partner up with Ward Medication Management (Ward MM) to deliver a state-funded national roll-out of its pain assessment technology to the Australian residential aged care market.
Ward MM already has a team of clinical pharmacists working across residential aged care in Australia with PainChek’s pain assessment technologies to be used in supplementing existing support services for patients.
Most importantly, PainChek’s technology will enable healthcare professionals to “translate resident pain-assessment data and insights” into actionable medication recommendations for GPs via a “residential medication management review process”, aimed at delivering a more pro-active and integrated level of care for residents of aged care facilities.
Improving pain assessments
PainChek has developed the world’s first smartphone pain assessment and monitoring device, which uses facial recognition software to accurately assess pain in people who are unable to speak.
A short video of the person’s face is recorded and artificial intelligence analyses the images that indicate pain.
Next, the caregiver uses PainChek to record their observations of other pain-related behaviours that complete the assessment.
Finally, the app calculates an overall pain score and stores the result allowing the caregiver to monitor the effect of medication and treatment over time.
PainChek has received significant interest from multiple aged care facilities and has already pre-signed several aged care facilities across Australia to ensure the program can be implemented within the agreed one-year time-frame.
Clinical teams from PainChek and Ward MM will collaborate to deliver training to aged care service providers in using the technology as part of the national PainChek roll-out.
“We see great opportunity for the functionality of PainChek to support clinical teams to make better-informed decisions, particularly for those who are unable to articulate their pain,” said Fiona Rhody-Nicoll, chief executive officer of Ward MM.
According to PainChek, liaison with residential aged care facilities, marketing of the training program and coordination of training sessions will be centralised through its own operations.
Ward MM has agreed to deliver up to 350 PainChek residential aged care training sessions and will also implement a “train the trainer” program co-ordinated by as many 30 clinical pharmacists on its books.
“This partnership will help fast-track the PainChek government-funded program with Ward MM providing their skilled resources to support the PainChek roll out across the more than 2,000 aged care homes in Australia,” said Mr Philip Daffas, chief executive officer of PainChek.
“Our joint goal is to deliver the PainChek solution and pain medication training to the nurses and carers who look after the 100,000 Australian aged care residents with dementia within a one-year time-frame,” he said.
Remuneration boost
In other news, PainChek’s successful progress and market performance over the past three years have delivered a 78% pay raise for Mr Daffas – his first since being appointed in September 2016.
After completing an independent benchmark study, PainChek’s board has decided to increase his total statutory remuneration from $337,500 to $600,000 per year, which includes targets if achieved.
According to the benchmark study, Mr Daffas’ total statutory remuneration amounts to 124% of the median comparable remuneration for ASX-listed companies in the healthcare and IT sector with a market capitalisation of between $50 million and $200 million.
This morning’s news helped PainCheck shares to pick up 3% in early morning trade, to trade at $0.325 before midday.