Oventus Medical ExVent device gives PEEP at future for obstructive sleep apnoea patients

Oventus Medical estimates 80% of sleep apnoea sufferers remain untreated due an “inability to tolerate” conventional therapies.
Mel Bridges-chaired Oventus Medical’s (ASX: OVN) newly developed ExVent PEEP valve has successfully treated obstructive sleep apnoea patients in conjunction with the company’s existing O2Vent appliance, without the need for continuous positive-airway-pressure (CPAP) during an ongoing clinical study.
Oventus has been developing the O2Vent and associated accessories to treat obstructive sleep apnoea without a mask.
According to the company, earlier clinical trials revealed full face masks and straps could be eliminated by using its Oventus Airway Technology and appliances.
While developing the O2Vent, Oventus created the peak end expiratory pressure (PEEP) valve to manage exhalation while delivering the low-pressure air without the mask.
Oventus told the market today that positive interim results from the government funded Neuroscience Research Australia-led sleep apnoea study had been seen in a sub group of “hard to treat” obstructive sleep apnoea patients using the company’s ExVent PEEP valve.
The sub group of 13 patients had either failed previous treatment with oral appliances or CPAP devices.
Earlier trials have found Oventus’ O2Vent devices, alone, were able to treat 53% of patients. When the ExVent PEEP valve was incorporated, it is believed treatment success was boosted to more than 75%.
The ExVent PEEP valve slots inside the O2Vent device and helps by acting as “virtual mini CPAP” within the device without requiring machine-pumped oxygen.
“If we combine our trial results, we can see that across our whole Oventus Sleep Treatment Platform of O2Vent devices and add on accessories, 78% of patients across the full spectrum from mild to severe obstructive sleep apnoea may able to be treated using our devices without the need for CPAP,” Oventus founder and clinical director Dr Chris Hart said.
“Since we know that there are such problems with patients adhering to CPAP, we’ve been driven to offer an alternative, and these results point to the fact that our technology really can be game‐changing for the treatment of sleep apnoea,” Dr Hart added.
Dr Hart said the company planned to build on the results with additional clinical studies.
Oventus also plans to launch its first ExVent valve into Australian and US markets by the end of 2018.
Sleep apnoea market
More than 1.5 million Australians suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea and its associated side effects of high blood pressure, stroke, irregular heartbeat and diabetes.
On a global scale, the obstructive sleep apnoea market is believed to be worth US$3.8 billion and is growing.
The condition impacts around 34% of men and 17% of women and results in lack of quality sleep.
This in turn generates up to A$26.2 billion in financial losses for Australians alone.
According to Oventus, about 80% of sleep apnoea sufferers remain untreated, with the company claiming the main reason for lack of treatment being an “inability to tolerate” current therapies.
Oventus ended the day up 3.03% at A$0.34.