
NickelX commissions MLEM survey over priority targets at Dalwallinu project

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By Imelda Cotton - 
Venus Metals Corporation ASX VMC Marvel Loch East rare earth project Western Australia clay-hosted fresh rock REE mineralisation

Venus Metals plans to undertake drilling at its priority REE targets at Marvel Loch East.


NickelX (ASX: NKL) has commissioned a moving loop electromagnetic survey (MLEM) over four high-priority nickel-copper-PGE (platinum group elements) targets at the Dalwallinu project in Western Australia.

The targets were defined by a recent close-spaced magnetic survey where key anomalies were identifed as coincident with historical geochemical anomalies.

Previous surface soil sampling at the targets recorded some of the highest PGE results in the emerging West Yilgarn region including 73.7 parts per billion platinum-palladium (with a 5 kilometre north-south strike of more than 10ppb), as well as 466 parts per million nickel and 843ppm copper.

NickelX has contracted Wireline Services Group to undertake the MLEM survey during the March quarter on a 200 square metre loop with 100 metre station spacings and lines oriented east to west.

It will test for conductors associated with nickel-copper-PGE anomalies in recent auger soil sampling data to define potential massive sulphide targets for drill testing.

There is planned contingency of a further 160 stations should the survey identify conductivity anomalies which warrant follow-up based on preliminary field data observations.

Emerging region

The Dalwallinu project covers 86 square kilometres of the Barra Barra greenstone belt in the emerging West Yilgarn which is host to several recent nickel-copper-PGE discoveries including Chalice Mining’s (ASX: CHN) world-class Julimar deposit.

Overlaying previous soil sampling data on new drone magnetic data has shown the Barra Barra intrusive to represent a sill-like body lying structurally below and folded with the magnetic strata.

Based on this interpretation, the four target areas were highlighted with anomalous nickel-copper-PGE values.

Once the MLEM survey is completed, NickelX will commence the permitting process for a maiden drilling program.

Infill auger drilling

Earlier this month, NickelX completed a detailed infill auger drilling program over the same high-priority targets.

Gyro Australia was contracted for the job, which involved soil sampling on 50m by 50m spacings to extend the targets.

On completion, managing director Matt Gauci said the combination of historical and current soil samples points to “very well-defined exploration targets seeking Julimar-style mineralisation”.