
Killi Resources strikes high-grade copper and gold in surface sampling at Mt Rawdon West

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By Imelda Cotton - 
Killi Resources ASX KLI Mt Rawdon West copper find

Surface rock chip sampling by Killi Resources (ASX: KLI) at the Mt Rawdon West project in Queensland has returned a series of high-grade copper-gold-silver assays.

Sampling was conducted at the untested Kaa target over a 1.8-kilometre-long trend, with intercepts confirming the mineralisation in association with highly anomalous pathfinder elements of antimony, bismuth, mercury and tellurium.

A very high-grade sample — believed to represent the surface outcrop of a mineralised structure — returned 238 grams per tonne of gold, 2.1% copper and 513g/t silver, with other highlights along the trend including 14.3g/t gold, 2.2% copper and 907g/t silver and 12.3g/t gold, 0.3% copper and 60g/t silver.

Unrecognised system

Chief executive officer Kathryn Cutler said the company was encouraged by the results.

“It’s not every day that you can walk up to an outcrop and have it return approximately 8 ounces of gold in assay,” she said.

“This very high-grade result, coupled with multiple other assays strongly anomalous for copper-gold, indicates we are looking at a previously unrecognised epithermal system.”

“They give us confidence to aggressively continue our exploration programs in the area.”

Mapping and surveying

The scheduled programs include local-scale surface mapping and a ground induced polarisation survey that started in June.

The survey will provide a 3D geophysical model to a depth of 300 metres.

It will also seek to identify any potential sulphides beneath the gold-copper-silver mineralisation seen at the surface.

Kaa target work

Field work completed in June at the Kaa target identified a high-grade copper-gold structure in situ at the surface, extending from the historical Wonbah copper mine along the soil anomaly to the south-east.

Rock chips collected during this program were taken from an outcrop along a ridge approximately 200m wide.

Additional old workings, veins and gossan structures also located along the Kaa trend returned an average of 6g/t gold, 2% copper and 100g/t silver.

Main trend

Ms Cutler said one specific gossanous outcrop returned an “outstanding” result of 238g/t gold, 2.1% copper, 513g/t silver, 2.2% lead and 0.3% zinc and was interpreted as the main Kaa gold-copper trend exposed at the surface.

It remains open along strike to the north-west and south-east, where it goes undercover and beyond the data from existing soil samples.

Killi is planning to conduct further soil sampling to test this section of the trend.