iTech Minerals advances drilling at Eyre Peninsula kaolin-REE tenements

iTech Minerals has completed more than 130 holes across three prospects within its Eyre Peninsula landholding, with initial assays anticipated in a month.
Battery and critical minerals explorer iTech Minerals (ASX: ITM) has reported significant drilling progress on its Eyre Peninsula tenement package, targeting rare earth elements ionic adsorption clay (IAC REE) and high purity kaolin mineralisation.
The company has achieved high rates of drilling, averaging 330m and 19 holes per day and placing its exploration program well ahead of schedule.
Managing director Mike Schwarz said the average hole depth and thickness of weathered profile (18m) provided a “good opportunity” for the development of a thick kaolin and REE mineralised horizon.
Bartels prospect
iTech has identified a new zone of REE mineralisation in a weathered, clay-rich horizon at the Bartels prospect, in the southern-most part of the tenement package.
In 2012, Archer Materials (ASX: AXE) drilled three reverse circulation holes targeting gold mineralisation in epithermal systems.
One of the holes intersected significant REE in what has been described as kaolinised coarse grained felsic.
The hole intersected 21m at 2,298 parts per million total rare earth oxides (TREO) from up to 76m, including 9m at 3,054ppm TREO from up to 64m, and 7m at 2,626ppm TREO from up to 76m.
iTech has completed 49 drill holes for 630m at an average depth of 13m at Bartels, across an area of approximately 4km by 2km.
Ethiopia kaolin target
iTech has drilled 62 holes into the Ethiopia prospect following the identification of extensive enrichment of REE in kaolinitic clays.
The average hole depth was 20m, which Mr Schwarz said demonstrates a thick weathered profile in which to host kaolin and REE mineralisation.
The program has been expanded following the identification of thick intervals of bright white kaolin to the west.
The zone of drilling is focused on infill work to extend the high-grade mineralisation at the end of historical exploration, which intersected 32m at 1,633ppm TREO.
Burtons prospect
iTech has identified significant REE mineralisation in the clay-rich, weathering profile at the Burtons prospect, displaying a significant enrichment of neodymium and praesidium which are critical to the production of permanent magnets for electric vehicles and renewable energy.
The prospect also displayed an enrichment in desirable heavy REE oxides which can command a premium price.
Samples have been sent to ANSTO laboratories in Sydney which specialises in the metallurgical extraction of REE from IAC deposits.
The results will give an indication of expected recoveries and whether ionic adsorption plays a significant role in the mineralisation style.
iTech has drilled 18 of 50 planned holes at Burtons to date to test the full extent of the clay-hosted REE mineralisation.
Drilling is expected to be completed within the week, after which the drill rig will move to the Caralue Bluff prospect.
Caralue Bluff kaolin
Caralue Bluff has had bright white kaolin content confirmed through drilling at less than 10m depth in two drill holes spaced 5km apart.
Historical partial chemical and mineralogical analyses of the bulk raw clay from one drill hole recorded a relatively-high kaolinite content of 70% with total iron oxides of 0.55% and raw brightness of 87%.
Mr Schwarz said the high purity and brightness of the material makes it well suited to high purity alumina feedstock, paper coating and filler applications.
iTech has an extensive drilling program planned at Caralue Bluff for a total of approximately 194 holes.
In addition to the two drill holes that intersect bright white kaolin, numerous dams and council rubble pits in the region have revealed white kaolin exposed at surface.