Investigator Resources uncovers more silver mineralisation within Paris South target

Investigator Resources has unearthed 2m at 6,247g/t silver from 29m, including 1m at 12,447g/t silver at Paris.
Investigator Resources (ASX: IVR) has uncovered the presence of more silver mineralisation following assays from a partially-completed drilling program at its flagship Paris project in South Australia.
Initial results have been delivered from the first five holes of 21 drilled at Paris South in December, as part of a greater 29-hole program for a total 4,800 metres.
The majority of the results were generated from the most southerly line, which is a step-out of 200m from previous resource drilling.
Best intercepts were 16m at 100 grams per tonne silver from 33m, including 4m at 333g/t silver from 44m; 8m at 64g/t silver from 94m, including 6m at 79g/t silver from 96m; 72m at 25g/t silver from 12m, including 4m at 71g/t silver from 62m; and 60m at 1.13% lead from 4m, including 6m at 2.65% lead from 51m, and 18m at 27g/t silver from 39m.
Results from the remaining 16 holes drilled in December are expected in February.
Additional holes
Investigator said an additional eight holes for 1,500m would be added to extend coverage a further 50m south of the lines currently being drilled, taking the Paris South exploration program to a total of 37 holes.
Additional drilling will continue to test for dolomite basement given its established association with silver mineralisation within the Paris deposit.
Native title considerations
The Paris South area was previously not accessible to Investigator’s drill crew due to native title considerations.
A heritage review by the Gawler Ranges Aboriginal Corporation resolved that the area had no heritage importance and lifted access restrictions to enable drilling.
This provided Investigator with an opportunity to extend the estimated mineral resource of the Paris deposit through the current drilling campaign.
Estimated resource
Paris contains an estimated resource of 18.8Mt grading 88g/t silver and 0.52% lead for 53.1Moz silver and 97,600t lead.
The project hosts the highest grade undeveloped silver deposit in the country.
A pre-feasibility study in late-2021 determined it would be amenable to open pit mining, providing Investigator with exposure to a metal which is currently experiencing strong commodity, renewable energy and manufacturing demand.