
ImpediMed’s BIS technology gains recognition as NCCN includes in oncology guidelines for lymphoedema assessment

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By Imelda Cotton - 
ImpediMed ASX IPD Lymphoedema Bioimpedance Spectroscopy NCCN National Comprehensive Cancer Network

ImpediMed’s SOZO digital health platform is the only FDA-cleared bioimpedance spectroscopy for lymphoedema assessment.


A screening platform developed by ImpediMed (ASX: IPD) for the assessment of lymphoedema is expected to increase its profile with the announcement that bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) has achieved inclusion in oncology guidelines released by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).

BIS analysis is a noninvasive, low-cost procedure which can accurately measure a patient’s total body water, extracellular and intracellular fluid volumes for the early detection, assessment and intervention of chronic health conditions.

ImpediMed’s SOZO digital health screening platform is the only BIS technology which has been cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration.

It has been broadly accepted and recognised for its ability to effectively and accurately screen for lymphoedema.

Global standard

The NCCN’s Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology for Survivorship are the global standards for clinical direction and policy in cancer care, with the aim of improving patient care and outcomes.

The updated guidelines now recommend that cancer survivors at risk of lymphoedema undergo screening at regular intervals to identify early signs through symptom assessment, clinical examinations and BIS.

BIS has been included in the document for the first time.

In 2020, updated NCCN guidelines relating to breast cancer screening and diagnosis alluded to the use of BIS but did not specifically name it.

Validating moment

ImpediMed managing director Richard Valencia said the inclusion of BIS was a “major validating moment” for the company.

“The authors of the NCCN guidelines are leaders in global cancer care driven by sound clinical evidence and patient best interests their recommendations are highly influential for clinicians, patients, policymakers and insurance companies,” he said.

“Our near-term focus remains leveraging our strong clinical evidence, market position and now these guidelines to drive growth and adoption of our solution for breast cancer-related lymphoedema.”

He said the guidelines support an opportunity to expand into other cancer types over the long-term, potentially broadening the company’s footprint in oncology to benefit a greater number of patients.

World’s most advanced device

SOZO is reported to be the world’s most advanced, non-invasive BIS device, delivering a precise snapshot of fluid status and tissue composition in less than 30 seconds.

Using ImpediMed’s BIS technology, SOZO can measure up to 256 unique data points over a wide spectrum of frequencies, with results available immediately online for easy data access and sharing across the healthcare system.

SOZO aids in the early detection of secondary lymphoedema, provides fluid status for patients living with heart or renal failure and can be used to monitor and maintain overall health.