Historic surveys identify new VHMS targets at QMines’ Mt Chalmers copper-gold project

QMines has acquired adjacent freehold land to its existing Mt Chalmers tenements.
Junior explorer QMines (ASX: QML) has identified several new VHMS (volcanogenic massive sulphide) targets from two historical airborne geophysical surveys acquired at the Mt Chalmers copper-gold project in Queensland.
The company has modelled historical versatile time domain electromagnetics (VTEM) data collected from the Mt Chalmers area and the Tracker 21 soil geochemical anomaly to reveal an EM response at Mt Chalmers.
The data has also shown a coincident EM and copper-zinc soil anomaly, indicating that the geophysical method is suitable for regional VHMS exploration over the Berserker Beds target within Mt Chalmers.
VTEM Max survey
Perth-based UTS Geophysics has been contracted to fly a helicopter-borne VTEM Max survey in January to investigate the target’s VHMS potential.
UTS describes VTEM Max as the “most innovative and successful airborne electromagnetic system” to be introduced in more than 30 years.
“The proprietary receiver design employs modern digital electronics and signal processing to deliver exceptionally low-noise levels,” it said.
“When coupled with a high dipole moment transmitter, the result is unparalleled resolution and depth of investigation in precision electromagnetic measurements.”
VHMS detectability will be dependent on overburden interference, size, depth, geometry, conductance (a product of sulphide mineralogy, percentage sulphide and sulphide grain connectivity) and location with respect to the flight line.
Tasmanian company Mitre Geophysics has been engaged to oversee the survey and model the data.
It is anticipated that coincident geochemical and geophysical anomalies generated from the survey will be ranked for on-ground exploration and fast-tracked for drilling in the new year using a newly-acquired reverse circulation drilling rig.
New opportunities
Executive chairman Andrew Sparke said the historical data had provided new opportunities for Mt Chalmers exploration.
“Preliminary analysis of the historic electromagnetic data has been very encouraging with the data confirming a number of existing soil anomalies and highlighting further exciting targets in several new areas,” he said.
“The new data demonstrates the upside potential of the Mt Chalmers project and confirms our belief that Mt Chalmers is a district-scale opportunity.”