HeraMED in ‘advanced discussions’ for roll-out of telehealth maternity software as COVID-19 rampages

According to HeraMED, healthcare providers are asking pregnant women to self-isolate and avoid high-risk hospitals and doctors’ offices during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Maternity telehealth company HeraMED (ASX: HMD) revealed this morning in a conference call it was in “advanced discussions” regarding the expedited commercial roll-out of its platform across the US, UK, Australia and Israel.
The company’s HeraCARE maternity telehealth platform enables health professionals to monitor pregnant women from their homes and includes the HeraBEAT foetal heart rate monitor and activity tracker.
HeraCARE also tracks blood pressure, weight gain and provides expectant mothers with the ability to join group discussions, speak to a remote midwife, and strengthen mental health via meditation, mood tracking and emotional discussion groups.
Speaking in this morning’s conference call update, HeraMED chief executive officer and co-founder David Groberman said the rampant spread of COVID-19 globally and the critical need for pregnant women to self-isolate called for more rapid development of the company’s technology.
Health entities globally have pointed out the current need for telehealth services and a “comprehensive” home-based approach.
Government supporting telehealth services
Governments have backed this call with Australian Minister for Health Greg Hunt issuing a media statement earlier this week claiming the Australian Government was working with the country’s critical health bodies to expand its telehealth response.
“As the coronavirus situation develops, we need to ensure we protect the vulnerable and it remains important regional Australians can access their regular medical services,” Mr Hunt said.
“To help ensure these services continue, the government is expanding access to telehealth services so vulnerable patients and doctors alike needn’t risk unnecessary human contact,” he added.
Using New York as an example HeraMED US general manager Alex Radke said it was now an epicentre for the COVID-19 crisis in the US.
He said medical professionals were taking a “very conservative” approach to pregnant women who have been asked to self-isolate and as a result.
Additionally, the government has encouraged pregnant women to take “critical steps” to avoid exposure and part of this is virtual consultations to avoid high risk doctors’ offices and hospitals.
Mr Groberman said as a result of the detrimental impact of COVID-19, “world leading” healthcare providers and insurance companies have contacted the HeraMED and engaged in “advanced” discussions regarding deployment of HeraCARE.
“HeraMED presents a unique and total solution that many are seeking out,” Mr Radke added.