GreenTech Metals confirms further down-plunge mineralisation at Whundo copper project

GreenTech Metals (ASX: GRE) has confirmed down-plunge continuation of mineralisation in Stage 2 drilling at its Whundo copper project in Western Australia.
The results have confirmed that both the Shelby and Austin shoots in the West Pilbara project maintain copper and zinc thickness.
The current program, which commenced in December before being slowed down due to cyclonic weather in the region, is investigating down-dip conductor plates.
Potential extensions
GreenTech believes the results from the Stage 2 program represent potential extensions to the plunging mineralised shoots at Whundo’s Shelby, Austin, Yannery and Ayshia targets.
The company has dispatched the samples from the program to a laboratory in Perth for detailed analysis.
The existing Whundo/Ayshia mineral resource stands at 6.19 million tonnes at 1.12% copper and 1.04% zinc.
Necessary adjustments
Executive director Tom Reddicliffe said the adverse weather conditions necessitated adjustments to allow the company’s planned deep drill hole at Shelby to remain on target.
“These visual results confirm that the two mineralised shoots are continuing down plunge,” Mr Reddicliffe said.
“We will continue to explore the deeper reaches of [these] volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits, which represent great potential to significantly expand the project resources based on the size of their associated geophysical signatures and the results of drilling.”
Assays being assessed
GreenTech is currently awaiting the lab assessment of the early samples, with the results and planned down-hole electromagnetic surveys expected to help identify targets at Shelby and Austin for further drilling.
The second stage of the drill program will continue to test under-explored mineralised prospects at Austin, Shelby, Yannery and Ayshia.
GreenTech will review its priorities when the new drill sample assay and survey results are available, with any drilling at Shelby and Austin to be included as part of the Stage 2 program.