GreenTech Metals confirms copper-dominant horizon at Whundo project

Greentech Metals has reported up to 1m at 5.4% copper from drilling at its Austin prospect.
Assays received by GreenTech Metals (ASX: GRE) following drilling at the Austin target within the Whundo copper-zinc project in Western Australia have revealed a copper-dominant mineralised horizon with peak grades of up to 5.4%.
Drilling tested a strong conductor plate modelled from a down hole electromagnetic (DHEM) survey drilled as part of a second reverse circulation program in 2022.
Best results were 19m at 0.81% copper and 0.15% zinc from 225m, including 15m at 1% copper from 226m, 6m at 2% copper and 1m at 5.4% copper.
Elevated gold and cobalt were also intercepted with highlights of 2m at 1.35 grams per tonne gold from 178m; and 15m at 0.04% cobalt from 226m including 6m at 0.073% from 226m.
The new intercepts are believed to be a down-dip continuation of earlier Austin holes which returned 8m at 2.55% copper from 141m and 12m at 2.5% copper from 161m.
Threefold thickening
GreenTech said the new assays indicate a threefold thickening of the Austin mineralised zone which is consistent with the target being a separate mineralising event to the overlying Whundo (East) resource.
The DHEM survey indicates the zone can be expected to persist downdip while the size of the conductive response from a fixed loop electromagnetic survey (FLEM) at the target suggests there is potential for Austin to add significantly to — or even eclipse — the Whundo resource.
That estimate currently sits at 6.19 million tonnes grading 1.12% copper and 1.04% zinc after an update last month saw resource tonnes boosted by 72% and copper metal tonnes by 63%.
Copper-dominant horizon
Executive director Thomas Reddicliffe said the Austin assays complement initial logging observations and confirm a copper-dominant mineralised horizon.
“This deeper portion of the Austin horizon is largely unconstrained due to the paucity of historic drill holes … we believe it could ultimately eclipse the Whundo East resource in size based on the surface extent of the largely-untested FLEM conductor anomaly,” he said.
“The Whundo and Austin deposits are shaping up to be a significant copper project the bonus of gold, cobalt and zinc which are key metals in high demand … I am confident we will be able to continue to further expand the resource in time.”