Galan Lithium unveils ‘exceptional’ lithium brine grades at Pata Pila

Galan Lithium has uncovered an interval exceeding 670m and grading 946mg/l lithium at Pata Pila.
Lithium brine explorer Galan Lithium (ASX: GLN) has unveiled what it calls “exceptional” results at the Pata Pila tenement, which is part of the Western Tenements at the Hombre Muerto salar in Argentina.
A 72-hour airlift test at the tenement returned an interval exceeding 670m and grading 946 milligrams per litre of lithium with low impurities.
According to Galan, the result confirms previous drilling data from the Western Tenement project areas including Pata Pila.
In early September, Galan revealed multiple brine zones up to 258m thick had been encountered, with preliminary assays from four samples exceeding 900mg/l lithium.
Galan managing director Juan Pablo Vargas de la Vega said the company was “delighted” with the results.
“Galan continues to show its Hombre Muerto projects have potentially the right recipe for a commercial-scale project, as well as being one of the highest-grade lithium brine projects in the world.”
“Furthermore, we are encouraged by the confirmation of Pata Pila’s high grade and low impurities and the effect on a large section of high-grade brines, which could add significant inventory to the previously reported Candelas resource of 685,000t of lithium carbonate equivalent,” Mr Vargas de la Vega added.
Samples were also taken from the Rana del Sal tenement with results pending.
Galan noted results from both targets would be included in the maiden resource for the Western Tenements which is anticipated to be released before the end of the current quarter.
‘Extensive potential’ at Western Basin
Following the positive drill results at Pata Pila and Rana del Sal back in September, Galan also carried out geophysics surveys at the tenements.
In December, Galan noted the surveys had identified “highly conductive horizons”, adding it confirmed “extensive brine potential” across the tenements.
The new targets are in proximity to Livent Corporation’s Fenix lithium brine operation in the region.