Galan Lithium unearths ‘remarkable’ highest-ever lithium brine grade at Hombre Muerto

Galan Lithium’s Rana de Sal licence has returned 330m at 1,010mg/l of lithium.
Lithium brine explorer Galan Lithium’s (ASX: GLN) Rana de Sal licence has produced “remarkable” results including the highest ever assays reported from the company’s Hombre Muerto project in Argentina.
The result also exceeds the “exceptional” assay of 946 milligrams per litre of lithium received from the Pata Pila tenement earlier this week.
A 72-hour air lift test sample from Rana de Sal has now returned 1,010mg/l of lithium over an estimated 330m interval.
Similar to the Pata Pila results, impurity levels were “very low”.
“We are delighted by these significant Rana de Sal results,” Galan managing director Juan Pablo Vargas de la Vega said.
“On the back of the recent Pata Pila testing, we are very excited as we are now thinking of a potential new project that could be as important as the Candelas project.”
The next stage of test work at both licences will be to more accurately determine the flow rates from the aquifer.
Data from both licences will be fed into the upcoming maiden resource for the Western Tenements at Hombre Muerto, with the resource due for release during the current quarter.
Once the maiden resource has been released, Mr Vargas de la Vega said the company would review the results as part of its scoping and pre-feasibility studies.
Earlier this week, Mr Vargas de la Vega said the company believed the Western Tenements could add “significant inventory” to the company’s flagship Candelas project, which has a resource of 685,000 tonnes of contained lithium carbonate equivalent, with an average grade of 672mg/l.
Candelas lithium brine project
The maiden resource was released for Candelas’ north zone in October last year and underpins a pre-feasibility study for the project.
To de-risk the project and enhance Galan’s expertise, the company appointed former Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile’s (SQM) vice president of sales Daniel Jiménez Schuster to its board in early September.
Prior to joining Galan, Mr Jiménez Schuster had reviewed Candelas and identified its potential.
Additionally, experienced lithium brine veteran Boris Cato has also joined Galan to oversee the Candelas pre-feasibility study.