Frontier Resources identifies ‘significant’ gold extensions at Kimono in PNG

Frontier Resources (ASX: FNT) has uncovered “significant” gold extensions at its wholly-owned Kimono prospect, which is part of the Tolukuma exploration licence in Papua New Guinea.
The company has received final assays from rock chips collected at various targets within Kimono and Kimono South, with the Kimono Central Vein target returning the highest result of 101 grams per tonne gold.
Other notable gold assays from rock chips at Kimono Central Vein were 80.9g/t, 52.7g/t and 22.2g/t.
Anomalous gold was also recovered at other nearby targets including 2.13g/t at Tassy Vein, 1.15g/t from Lower Holsiga Creek and 1.42g/t from Fala Creek.
Trenching was also undertaken and unearthed highest grades at Kimono Central Vein such as 2.1m at 24.68g/t gold, including 1.1m at 42.7g/t gold.
Trenching also returned 4m at 4.78g/t gold at Tassy Vein, 5m at 1.25g/t gold at Lower Holsiga Creek and 6m at 1.48g/t gold at Kimono South.
All-up, Frontier collected 102 soil samples, 102 rock chips and 205 chip-channel trench samples along the eastern boundary of the Tolukuma mining lease.
The program was designed to test continuity and strike extension to known veins and validate historical exploration across the exploration licence.
Frontier also aimed to firm up drill targets for Kimono Central Vein.
Advancing PNG gold exploration
Frontier’s wholly-owned Tolukuma tenement in PNG surrounds (but excludes) the Tolukuma mining lease and associated infrastructure.
According to Frontier, the Tolukuma mine hosts high-grade narrow epithermal veins and has a long history of having its reserves continuously replenished.
Due to its proximity to the mine, Frontier expects its exploration licence is “highly prospective” for economic gold deposits.
Frontier’s Tolukuma exploration licence covers 441.72 square kilometres and is 70km from PNG’s capital Port Moresby.
To better define drill targets, Frontier is planning further trench sampling at Kimono in the current quarter.
Frontier secured its Tolukuma tenement in March 2019.
The company’s strategy is to firm up near mine gold projects, which can be used as future mill-feed once the Tolukuma mine restarts.