Far East identifies visible gold and electrum in Rek Rinti drill core

A phase two resource definition drilling program is underway at Rek Rinti and other prospects within the Woyla project.
Visible gold and electrum have been noted in core from Far East Gold’s (ASX: FEG) drilling program at the Rek Rinti prospect within the Woyla project in Indonesia.
Electrum is a naturally occurring gold-silver alloy, and can contain trace amounts of copper and other metals.
The gold and electrum were seen in hole AGM007, which was completed at Rek Rinti during phase two resource delineation drilling.
Far East says the result confirms the extension of the high-grade mineralisation within the Agam zone and pXRF analysis indicates the presence of “significant gold, silver, lead and zinc”.
Aloe Eumpeuk
To the south of Rek Rinti is the Aloe Eumpeuk prospect where recent detailed mapping identified coarse visible gold within surface rock samples taken from artisanal workings.
Major miner Barrick Gold (NYSE: GOLD) previously explored Aloe Eumpeuk in 1997 and delineated two high-grade veins that extended for about 300m.
Far East’s grab sampling at the prospect unearthed up to 63 grams per tonne gold and 1,179g/t silver.
To follow up on these results, Far East is expediting preparations to undertake a maiden scout drilling program.
This program is anticipated to begin before the end of the month, and will comprise six holes for 650m.
The planned holes are also coincident with anomalies identified in a ground induced polarisation survey last year.
Woyla gold project
The phase two drilling program underway at Woyla will total 10,000m and is also testing the Anak Perak prospect.
In parallel, Far East is expanding its surface mapping and sampling across its project.
This led to the recent discovery of two new veins, with one located 200m northwest of Rek Rinti and is interpreted to be part of the larger system.
The second vein was defined as Aloe Kamara is 3km southeast of Rek Rinti.
Far East says the second vein discovery opens the potential for a new prospect area for further exploration and drilling.
Woyla is located in northern Sumatra in Indonesia’s Aceh province.
Far East is the first company to gain permission to drill the project, which it says has the potential to host a significant high-grade gold-silver resource.