Eclipse Metals identifies magnetic bodies indicative of REE mineralisation at Ivittuut

The new Greenland Coalition Government has publicly stated it is supportive of responsible mining.
Three-dimensional modelling of airborne magnetic data over the Grønnedal-Ika carbonatite-syenite complex at Eclipse Metals’ (ASX: EPM) Ivittuut multi-commodity project in southwest Greenland has identified several high amplitude and vertically-extensive magnetic bodies indicative of rare earth elements (REE) mineralisation.
The magnetic bodies measure up to 2,700 metres in length and 1,000m width, and extend more than 900m below the surface.
They are believed to be spatially coincident with a cluster of electromagnetic (EM) bedrock conductors identified by a previous explorer.
Eclipse said a comparison of the size of the magnetic response with the extent of the mapped carbonatite suggests the potential for a larger extent of magnetite-bearing carbonatite and carbonatite breccia in the subsurface than indicated by earlier mapping.
REE mineralisation
Executive chairman Carl Popal said the magnetic bodies reflected REE mineralisation at Invittut.
“We are delighted that our geophysical modelling and data review has helped further constrain our REE exploration targeting model … the size and depth extent of the magnetically-anomalous bodies bodes well with respect to the possible scale of REE mineralisation,” he said.
“These findings give us confidence to progress our exploration and we have submitted an application to the Greenland authorities to proceed with a drilling program in the 2022 field season.”
Larger intrusions
The Grønnedal-Ika complex is one of the larger intrusions of the Gardar Province which is a suite of alkaline igneous rocks emplaced into a continental rift system in South Greenland during Mesoproterozoic times.
Magnetic anomalism at Grønnedal-Ika is known to be caused by magnetite-bearing carbonatite which was explored in the mid-1900s for its magnetite iron and niobium potential but not for REE.
Drilling was limited to six angled diamond bore holes for a total downhole length of 750m.
According to historians, large amounts of magnetite occur where later mafic dykes cut the siderite-rich part of the carbonatite in the centre of the Grønnedal-Ika complex.
This magnetite is “exclusively secondary in origin” and replaced primary siderite as a result of decarbonation and oxidation in the vicinity of a series of mafic dykes which cut the complex.
The strongest magnetic anomalism observed in the southern central part of Grønnedal-Ika coincides with areas where grab samples of magnetite-bearing carbonatite and carbonatite breccia previously collected by Eclipse returned total REE (TREE) content of up to 34,468 parts per million.