DroneShield teams up with Altitude Angel to boost airspace security world-wide
Drone security technology developer DroneShield (ASX: DRO) has had a busy July culminating in the company revealing it has secured a partnership with Altitude Angel, which DroneShield claims is the “world’s foremost” unmanned traffic management (UTM) provider.
Altitude Angel has developed a traffic management system called GuardianUTM, which enables airport operators to integrate unmanned vehicles into their controlled airspace.
The UK’s main navigation service NATS is currently deploying Altitude Angel’s system and the companion operating system.
According to Altitude Angel, its products support all the functionality required to deliver national-grade drone traffic management capabilities to any country that wishes to safely unlock the potential of drones.
Under the partnership, DroneShield’s drone detection and mitigation technology will be combined with Altitude Angel’s to create an integrated product, which will be offered to select customers such as national governments and airport operators.
The duo claims its products will provide those tasked with managing airspace with a clear, single source picture of the sky.
This is done with the technology which clearly distinguishes between known authorised operations, and unknown potential threats.
Additionally, the products will support quick execution of effective responses without disrupting authorised activities.
“Marrying GuardianUTM with DroneShield’s powerful detection systems will deliver a comprehensive solution to the industry and one I am very much looking forward to providing to our customers world-wide,” Altitude Angel vice president of sales Toby Potter said.
DroneShield chief executive officer Oleg Vornik noted that airports around the world experience daily challenges with drone incidents that can endanger the safety of passengers and cause tens of millions of dollars in economic damage.
“Civil infrastructure operators are in need of an urgent solution,” Mr Vornik added.
“We are proud to be co-operating with Altitude Angel, the sole provider of UTM services to the UK airspace, to secure the airspace for customers both in the UK and globally.”
Defence Innovation Network
Today’s news follows DroneShield announcing it has been selected for a grant-based collaboration program with the Defence Innovation Network (DIN) and Innovation Connections.
The New South Wales DIN is an initiative of the NSW Government and the Defence Science and Technology Group to enhance the state’s defence industry through collaborations with government and academic institutions.
Under the collaboration, DroneShield will draw on the network’s resources and will design and develop real-time optical drone-detection technology using advancements in machine Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Networks.
DroneShield anticipates it will have a product to take to market by the first quarter of 2020.
Earlier this month, DroneShield released its DroneGun MKIII, which it has labelled a “breakthrough new product”.
The product is compact, lightweight drone countermeasure and is believed “highly-effective” against a range of commercially available drone models.
According to DroneShield, the new product is capable of disrupting the control and navigation of multiple drones simultaneously.
By mid-afternoon shares in DroneShield were up 14.19% to $0.177.