Bryah Resources pursues gold-copper at Gabanintha after modelling reveals opportunities

Previous drilling at Bryah Resources’ Gabanintha tenements returned 32.18g/t gold and 3.98% copper.
With a manganese joint venture imminent at Bryah Basin, Bryah Resources (ASX: BYH) is pursuing gold and copper at the Gabanintha project where previous drilling unearthed 32.18 grams per tonne gold.
After completing 3D modelling of previous drilling at the project’s Tumblegum South prospect, Bryah has identified the potential for further gold and copper discoveries.
Previous drilling was carried out at Tumblegum South in 2017 and uncovered better intercepts of 2m at 18.13g/t gold and 0.36% copper, including 1m at 32.18g/t gold and 0.44% copper; 7m at 3.28g/t gold, including 1m at 16.73g/t gold; and 5m at 3.56g/t gold and 0.55% copper, including 1m at 9.57g/t gold and 0.88% copper.
Another 2m interval graded 4.19g/t gold and 1.38% copper, while a 1m interval returned 3.17g/t gold and 3.98% copper.
The 2017 reverse circulation drilling program involved 26 holes for 2,484m and Bryah is planning a 1,500m campaign to kick-off next month, followed by a JORC mineral resource.
“Following the successful initiation of Bryah’s manganese exploration strategy, we can now also turn our attention to the highly prospective gold-copper assets held by Bryah, both in the Bryah Basin and at Gabanintha,” Bryah managing director Neil Marston explained.
“The review and follow-up drilling of the Gabanintha project is just one part of our overall exploration program and gives Bryah a tremendous opportunity to advance, and in some cases, quickly monetise its gold assets,” Mr Marston added.
Bryah’s Gabanintha tenements cover 200 square kilometres in central WA, with Australian Vanadium (ASX: AVL) owning the mineral rights to vanadium, titanium, cobalt, chromium, uranium, lithium, tantalum, iron ore and manganese across the licences.
According to Bryah, gold was first discovered at the project in 1897 and has been mined intermittently until 1992 when Dominion Mining closed its open pit operation.
Several active and historic mines close to Gabanintha include Burnakura, Nannine, Bluebird and Gabanintha.
Bryah’s strategy at Gabanintha is to firm up gold resources that could be processed through nearby facilities.