Bekisopa drilling results confirm iron ore mineralisation at depth for Akora Resources

Eight out of 10 holes drilled in Akora’s Madagascan project have intersected iron mineralisation.
Akora Resources’ (ASX: AKO) first drilling campaign for 2021 has confirmed the extent of known mineralisation along strike and at depth at its flagship Bekisopa iron ore project in Madagascar.
The Australian explorer drilled 10 shallow holes for a total 700m in mid-June, with eight intercepting massive and coarse disseminated iron mineralisation.
The focus was on completions at depths of 30m to 107m in the project’s southern zone as well as along strike from last year’s drill holes in the northern zone, along the main Bekisopa 6km strike length.
One of the holes positioned west of last year’s southern drill holes confirmed the continuity of iron mineralisation to the west, dipping at depth.
That hole, which finished in mineralisation when it had to be stopped at a depth of 107.35m, continues to be “very encouraging” for the development of a significant resource tonnage.
Drill core recoveries averaged 96% and indicated an extension to the known iron ore mineralisation strike.
Akora said core observations from the first sequence of holes contained an apparent high-grade massive laterite mineralisation in the near-surface intercepts and extensive lengths of high-grade massive mineralisation at depth.
Maiden resource estimate
The company has planned an additional 30 drill holes for approximately 4,000m to be completed over the coming months as it moves towards the definition of a maiden Bekisopa resource estimate by year end.
On completion of these holes, a new larger rig will be mobilised at the project to commence drilling a series of deeper holes to confirm iron mineralisation at depth and give further volume for the resource development.
The rig will operate around the clock to ensure completion of the campaign by October.
Southern location
Bekisopa comprises four permits across 93.5sq km of acreage in the southern part of Madagascar, 250km from the port of Toliara.
The project has been subject to considerable historic exploration, with highlights including 12m at 66% iron and 19m at 65% iron over the 6km strike.
A drilling program in 2020 confirmed iron mineralisation at depth and product grade fines of at least 62% iron.