
Bastion Minerals engages Aurora Geoscience to design exploration plan for Mariner copper project

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By Colin Hay - 
Bastion Minerals ASX BMO Mariner copper drilling

Bastion Minerals (ASX: BMO) has brought in specialists to help progress exploration work at its newly-acquired Mariner copper project in the eastern North-west Territories (NWT) of Canada.

The company has contracted NWT geological experts Aurora Geoscience to help prepare an exploration plan for the 155-square-kilometre claim.

Aurora Geoscience and Bastion will investigate historical work and gain a better understanding of an approximately 520m-long mineralised quartz vein identified by previous owners.

Quartz vein potential

No additional exploration has yet investigated the potential of this quartz vein and it has become a priority target to expand upon the historical high-grade drilling conducted by Mariner Mines, which intersected grades up to 18.4% copper.

“With the advanced ICE project located in the Yukon […] being a strong focus for the company, I am thrilled with the increased potential of the Mariner project to host a high-grade copper deposit based on historical data,” chair Ross Landles said.

Mr Landles also said that Bastion has been buoyed by the results of immediate neighbour White Cliff Minerals (ASX: WCN), which recently announced rock chip findings of up to 75,439 grams per tonne silver and 13.6% copper for 34.2 million ounces of refined silver at its Port Radium project, which encircles Mariner.

Aurora Geoscience will focus on future activities including field prospecting and mapping, soil/till sampling, geophysical surveys and planning for drilling activities.

Gyttorp survey

Earlier this week, Bastion commenced a ground magnetic survey in the north of its Gyttorp rare earth element (REE) property in Sweden.

The property has high-grade REE mineralisation associated with magnetite skarns including areas of associated copper returning values of between 2.5% and 8.5%.

Bastion is aiming to define potential drilling targets where the skarn is thicker and more complex, with the company looking to undertake a maiden drilling program at the site as soon as possible.