Barton Gold receives $380,000 R&D grant to advance South Australian projects

Barton Gold (ASX: BGD) (OTCQB: BGDFF) has received a $380,000 grant funding disbursement for research and development (R&D) work programs.
The funding from the South Australian government recognises the work Barton has recently undertaken at its Tarcoola gold project in South Australia, including its promising Tolmer discovery.
Barton was previously awarded a maximum of $595,000 during 2022 under the SA government’s Accelerated Discovery Initiative for an approved program of works at the historic Tarcoola goldfield.
Technology deployment
The company was particularly recognised for its use of ground-penetrating radar, seismic surveys and validation drilling of theorised models.
Barton planned and undertook the work during FY2023 and FY2024, which led to the a new regional structural model for Tarcoola including an upgraded assessment of Barton’s open-pit Perseverance mine.
Published during November 2023, the assessment subsequently identified the new Tolmer gold system in high-grade gold assays returned from conceptual test drilling during early 2024.
Critical funding
“We are grateful to have received such support from the SA government in our mission to unlock the regional structural context of the Tarcoola goldfield,” managing director Alexander Scanlon said.
“These programs, while relatively small in nature, are a critically valuable tool in supporting the efforts of small companies leading higher-risk exploration initiatives.”
“The Tolmer discovery is a prime example of the potential to significantly accelerate regional development.”
Tolmer potential
Barton reported in November it was accelerating its two project gold developments in South Australia, including the commencement of a new drilling program following up the promising Tolmer discovery.
Tolmer’s confirmation came August with the receipt of high-grade assays verifying a newly interpreted gold-mineralised system comprised of quartz-sulphide veining hosted within broader zones of alteration.
The assays from approximately 100m-spaced drill lines indicated potential for a zone of continuous high-grade mineralisation, subject to confirmation via further drilling.
The Tolmer find validated Barton’s first significant test of a new Tarcoola structural model, demonstrating the project’s broader potential to host multiple shallow, high-grade gold zones.
Perseverence work
Barton completed approximately 11,250m of reverse circulation drilling between March and July 2024 across targets from its latest Tarcoola structural interpretations, including the Perseverance open-pit mine and targets to the west.
Barton subsequently confirmed a JORC mineral resources estimate of approximately 20,000 ounces of gold at around 2.0 grams per tonne in the Perseverance floor.
Drilling also intersected gold mineralisation across neighbouring targets including School, Old Flame and Warburton.
High-grade assay results later confirmed the newly interpreted gold-mineralised system at Tolmer.