
Aurumin reports positive final assays from drilling at Central Sandstone gold project

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By Imelda Cotton - 
Aurumin ASX AUN Central Sandstone assays

Aurumin (ASX: AUN) has confirmed additional positive assays from the final split sample results of a recent reverse circulation (RC) drilling program at its Central Sandstone gold project in Western Australia.

The program was completed in April and tested seven new open pit targets with first-pass exploration drilling to extend two open pit resources.

Four of the targets returned positive assays, while extensional drilling at the project’s 14,100-ounce Plum Pudding deposit yielded a bonanza result of 215.20 grams per tonne gold from 43 metres.

New assays

New 1m interval sample assays from the Mt Klempt South target included 2m at 11.02g/t gold from 16m, 1m at 1.20g/t gold from 22m and 2m at 1.24g/t gold from 34m.

Highlights from the Two Mile Hill West target were 1m at 3.87g/t gold from 71m and 3m at 2.19g/t gold from 77m, while the best results from the Old Town Trend were 2m at 3.44g/t gold from 37m, 2m at 1.03g/t gold from 45m and 1m at 1.97g/t gold from 42m.

In addition to the bonanza intercept, Plum Pudding returned assays of 18m at 25.80g/t gold from 30m and 7m at 1.48g/t gold from 71m.

Critical mass

Managing director Brad Valiukas said the drilling had delivered significant results for Central Sandstone.

“We have had great results from this campaign and we remain focused on generating the critical mass required for future production at our Sandstone operations, where we are targeting additional open pit material to support an operational restart,” he said.

“We will now look to expand the existing resource at Plum Pudding and flesh out some of the confirmed new targets.”

“We plan to also step further afield to the Birrigrin project and Dandaraga prospect to target some potential higher-grade sweeteners.”

RC campaign

Aurumin’s next round of drilling at Central Sandstone will include an RC campaign of 35 holes for 3,000m across six project areas.

A drilling contractor and the last permits are currently being finalised.

The company will also conduct an aircore program of approximately 75 holes for a total of 5,000m across three areas.

Drilling will step out to regional prospects for the first time and will include Birrigrin, which has 39 mapped shafts dating back to the early 1900s and historical production grades of up to 196g/t gold.

The new campaigns are expected to commence in August.