Aurum Resources reports new gold intercepts from drilling at Boundiali’s BD Target 1

Aurum Resources (ASX: AUE) has reported wide gold intercepts from step-back diamond drilling at BD Target 1 within its Boundiali project in Côte d’Ivoire.
The company drilled 14 holes for a total of 4,485 metres, returning shallow and wide hits such as 40m at 1.03 grams per tonne gold from 136m including 5m at 1.70g/t, 11m at 2.15g/t gold from 169m including 4m at 4.14g/t and 10m at 2.02g/t gold from 322m including 2m at 9.18g/t.
Hanging wall lodes
The new results are predominantly from BD Target 1 hanging wall lodes and true widths have been estimated at about 80% of the reported down-hole lengths.
They add to BD Target 1 results reported earlier this year, which included multiple 50 gold grams per metre intervals over a 300m strike and an average depth of 200m.
The mineralisation remains open along strike and down dip and has been intersected to 385m below the surface.
High-grade shoots
Managing director Dr Caigen Wang said the latest intercepts improve the company’s understanding of the controls on high-grade gold shoots within the Boundiali project.
“We now have six rigs on site and expect to achieve 10,000m drilling per month to systematically explore the full potential of this target zone and our other tenements within Boundiali,” he said.
“We are well-funded with $20 million cash at bank, which will allow us to accelerate drilling and build on these encouraging results.”
IP survey
Aurum has completed an induced polarisation (IP) survey at BD Target 1 to optimise drill targeting and is utilising a second laboratory to improve assay turnaround times.
Some of the high-priority areas sit within the 2.8km by 4.5km surveyed block but outside of currently drilled gold prospects.
Earlier this week, Aurum was granted a renewal of its Boundiali South (BST) exploration licence within the Boundiali project.
Drilling at BST, which covers an area of 167.36 sq km, has previously returned strong results including 20m at 10.45g/t gold from 38m and 30m at 8.30g/t gold from 39m.