Auris Minerals uncovers high-grade copper and gold at Forrest project

Auris Minerals has unearthed numerous intersections grading above 1% copper at the Forrest project in the Bryah Basin.
Drilling at Auris Minerals’ (ASX: AUR) Forrest project in Western Australia has uncovered up to 8.28% copper and 34.1 grams per tonne gold.
Auris completed drilling at the Forrest and Wodger prospects late last year with better results from Forrest revealing 33m at 1.25% copper from 276m, with a 16m interval containing 1.54% copper from 293m.
The 34.1g/t gold was also unearthed at Forrest and was within a 4m interval that started at 12m.
Mineralisation at Forrest remains open in all directions.
Meanwhile, highlight results from Wodger were 15m at 3.36% copper and 1.86g/t gold from 107m, and 6m at 2.8% copper and 1.51g/t gold from 305m, including a 1m interval grading 8.28% copper and 5.74g/t gold.
The reverse circulation drilling campaign totalled 3,924m and aimed to firm up grade continuity at the prospect.
Auris chief operating officer Mike Hendriks said the drilling campaign had “enhanced” the company’s understanding of its tenements.
Follow up drilling at Forrest and Wodger has been planned along with other anomalies that have been identified at the project.
Copper discoveries
According to Auris, copper was first discovered at the Forrest and Wodger prospects in 2014 after previous drill samples were re-assayed.
A drilling program that same year at Forrest returned 9.65m at 5% copper and 1.91g/t gold from 142.5m. Drilling at Wodger in 2017 revealed 25m at 2.87% copper and 0.48g/t gold from 193m.
Both prospects are 3km apart and the latest results have boosted the potential of the prospects.
Auris’ landholding
Auris holds an interest in 1,350 square kilometres-worth of tenements in WA’s Bryah Basin and has earned an 80% stake in Forrest, with Fe Ltd (ASX: FEL) free-carried until a decision to mine.
Westgold Resources (ASX: WGX) owns the gold rights to three of the tenements that make up Forrest.
This morning’s news sent Auris’ share price soaring more than 66% to reach $0.05 by midday.