Aston Minerals to deliver maiden Bardwell nickel-cobalt resource

Metallurgical test work on Bardwell ore has generated a saleable nickel-cobalt concentrate.
Perth-based Aston Minerals (ASX: ASO) continues to report multiple nickel-cobalt intersections from drilling at its Bardwell prospect in Ontario.
Results are still pending for six holes ahead of the maiden resource estimate, which is due to be delivered in mid-December, along with first estimates from Aston’s Edleston Main and Sirola gold prospects there.
Bardwell is part of the Boomerang target and sits within the company’s large Edleston project in the Canadian province.
The Edleston project is located within the Abitibi greenstone belt along the Cadillac Larder fault zone, which is responsible for the production of more than 75 million ounces gold.
Nickel-cobalt system of ‘tremendous scale’
Managing director Dale Ginn says the broader Boomerang system has been defined to a strike length of 6.5km and to a depth of 650m from surface, and appears to average around 100m to 300m in thickness.
The resource definition drilling of Bardwell and Bardwell North have now been completed with only those last six holes outstanding.
“We are receiving ongoing encouragement from the results received that the magmatic nickel-cobalt sulphide system is of a tremendous scale,” Mr Ginn said.
The latest assays returned 217.35m at 0.28% nickel and 0.012% cobalt (ending in mineralisation), 304.38m at 0.25% nickel and 0.011% cobalt, and 269.5m at 0.27% nickel and 0.1% cobalt (also ending in mineralisation).
New B2 target also shaping up in grade and thickness
Meanwhile, the company has begun initial drilling at the B2 prospect, located 3km along strike from the Bardwell North.
Hole 107 intersected 181m at 0.28% nickel and 0.012% cobalt, including 35.06m at 0.49% nickel and 0.015% cobalt.
Mr Ginn says this drilling has revealed that the B2 target contains shallow mineralisation of a similar grade, thickness and style to Barwell.
B2 represents the northernmost extent of the Boomerang target so far tested.
In addition, modelling of the Edleston Main and Sirola gold resources is underway, and their resource estimates will also be released next month.
Aston, formerly European Cobalt with projects in Slovakia and Finland, acquired Edleston in mid-2020 to accommodate its new gold thrust, but then found itself back in the cobalt hunt (with nickel) in Canada.
Aston’s ground lies about 60km via road to the south of Timmins, Ontario. The towns of Timmins and Kirkland Lake host significant former and current producers, with services and skilled labour available.