AML3D collars Australian patent for 3D metal part wire additive manufacturing technology

AML3D董事总经理Andrew Sales表示,获得澳大利亚专利对该公司来说是一个“重要的里程碑”。
AML3D (ASX: AL3) has collared the Australian patent for its wire additive manufacturing (WAM) technology.
The Australian patent covers AML3D’s method and apparatus for its 3D metal part manufacturing technology.
Key items covered under patent include AML3D’s method of manufacturing a metallic part using any weldable metal by solid freeform fabrication enhanced by an atmospheric protection device and synergic heating and cooling apparatus.
Another item protected is AML3D’s computer-generated 3D models of parts, along with the company’s technology of uploading the direction specific, layered model of the part into a welding control system which manufactures the part.
AML3D managing director Andrew Sales said securing the Australian patent was a “significant milestone” for the company.
“The granting of this patent is further validation of our technology and also secures our position as a provider of a major 3D printing process,” added.
Addressable market
The patent grant has been attributed to AML3D’s “relentless focus” on innovation and research and development, with the patent affording protection of the IP in Australia and paves the way for other regions.
AML3D says its technology “significantly reduces” manufacturing costs, as well as build time and allows clients to customise their parts for specific needs.
“The market demand for advanced wire feedstock additive manufacturing continues to accelerate driven by the global pandemic,” Mr Sales said.
“And international patent protection will further strengthen our position in a significant and growing addressable market,” he added.
AML3D estimates the current addressable market for 3D printing is US$10 billion, with this figure forecast to rise to US$63 billion by 2026.
Another key factor pushing growth in this market is a need to derisk complex global supply chains.
QPE Advanced Machining collaboration
Today’s news follows AML3D’s announcement late last month that it had agreed to collaborate with QPE Advanced Machining to make parts for local and international markets.
AML3D brings its 3D printing technology to the collaboration, while QPE will provide its CNC milling expertise.
Once AML3D successfully prints a part, it will be sent to QPE for surface finishing before being sent to the client.