
Akora Resources nears commercialisation at Bekisopa DSO project with successful drilling and infrastructure planning

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By Colin Hay - 
Akora Resources ASX AKO Bekisopa Satrokala Madagascar update

Akora Resources (ASX: AKO) has successfully completed a number of milestones along the development pathway for its Bekisopa direct shipping ore (DSO) iron project in Madagascar.

The highlight of its recent Bekisopa work was the completion of a geotechnical drilling program as part of the company’s pre-feasibility study (PFS), the data from which will now be used to support mine design.

The company has also undertaken an important hydrogeological drilling program that has shown indications of subsurface water at levels of more than 30 metres in four holes/wells—considered favourable for operations, environmental and social PFS considerations.

Encouraging road survey

Akora has also made progress with its planning for the construction of a road to support the project.

After travelling the ground between the Bekisopa tenements and the company’s Satrokala project, a construction and survey team has identified a preferred new road and potential river crossing location.

The company’s management said this is a positive result for logistics planning and capital cost determination for the PFS.

DSO start-up

Managing director Paul Bibby said that, with financial backing from a recent successful $3.8 million capital raising, Akora is making strong PFS progress in preparation for the start-up of the stage 1 DSO operation at Bekisopa.

This operation is expected to produce up to 2 million tonnes per annum of a lump and fines product with approximately 60% iron average grade for use by blast furnace steelmakers.

“Site activities at both our Bekisopa and Satrokala iron ore projects are progressing well and are aimed at increasing the tonnage of DSO and completing the necessary activities for the PFS,” Mr Bibby said.

“The initial results coming from the geotechnical and hydrological drilling programs are very encouraging [and] we are buoyed by the recent engagement with community leaders, which has confirmed their encouragement for Akora to continue and progress to mining.”

“Committing to the next stages of exploration and technical drilling and preparing for the detailed environmental and social assessment will all help advance the project towards commercialisation.”

Maiden Satrokala drilling

With the recent completion of a Bekisopa DSO in-fill drilling program, Akora has mobilised a team to the nearby Satrokala site to commence a maiden exploration drilling program.

Using a 2023 ground magnetic survey as a guide, drilling will test ten locations, with each hole scheduled to be drilled to a depth of 100m.

The drill program is expected to take around six weeks to complete.